The Official Video Thread

Started by kvon17, Jun 08, 2009, 05:09:29 AM

The Official Video Thread (Read 400,941 times)



aeus u get to live!!!

that was the best vid ive seen thus far, and the guy talking did a good job explaining. the ai aliens is looking nice, those bastards are vicious.

Steve C

Steve C

Quote from: Aeus on Jun 08, 2009, 11:18:09 PM
Everyones favorite Corporal Hicks showed me this:

I'm fairly sure it's new. If not, feel free to burn me at the stake.


As the game progresses you collect more soundbytes to use as a Predator.
In the final product you can choose which trophy kill you want to use.
Health is on the RIGHT...Energy/Power on the LEFT of the hud.
AI definitely isn't done for Marines. If they hear you in the final game jumping around, they will hunt you down based on what they've heard.
Mines can be stuck to walls.
Predators have a COUNTERING system.
NEW KILL, where the Predator pins a delimbed Alien to the floor with his foot, and then stabs it through the head.
AI is very unscripted.
Predators can COUNTER the Aliens pounce, making it flip over onto the floor.
When you shank a Marine, his arm can come off, and when it does, it f**king pours blood all over the floor. This makes Aeus very happy.
GAME is currently PRE-ALPHA.
MARINES have a COUNTER to the Predator pounce.
ALIENS in the final game will be A LOT harder than they are at the moment. They will use more AI Pathing to approach the player.
ALIENS take shitloads of melee hits.

This makes me happy in the pants.



Is the gameplanet video not loading very good for anyone else?



Probably because it was posted here. Bandwidth.

Looks like the counter is universal and has, at this point, priority over pouncing/leaping... which makes rather little sense. Something with a Predator's weight shouldn't be knocked back, a roll would work better in that regard. Looks like tail slap is also in. (maybe charge versus tap). The Alien may be limb per button rather select/deselect.



yeah, it's loading very slowly.



same for me, i wanna c it again   :-\

this forum could use more simlies :p



Well the first thing I noticed was that the Aliens were moving and attack more intelligently than before, and the Marines were actually paying attention to what they heard in their enviroment.

This game just entered a whole new era of awesome, xD.



according to the publisher of the newest vid that was posted here, expect better later on. marine and alien ai is not finished.


Looking good! Seems like this game is developing the right way so to speak  :)

Steve C

Steve C

Really not crazy about decloacking just from using wristblades or being hit.  That could be VERY problematic in multiplayer.  If wristblades decloak you then surely everything else will, making survival basically impossible.



No. It just means you can't go in Charging at 6 enemies. You actually have to hunt and take them down 1 at a time.



with aliens up my ass? no thanks....


I've watched the latest clip a few times and I have to admit that I'm starting to like what I see. Can't wait to see what they have in store for us when it comes to the Alien SP...



Metal Gear Solid -type marine patrolling. Sounds delightful. Always enjoyed the AI from MGS series. Also, all my previous worries have been put down. Only thing that still might bother me, is the HUD. It's a bit annoying, but can live with it.



Quote from: Xhan on Jun 09, 2009, 02:21:30 AM
Probably because it was posted here. Bandwidth.

Looks like the counter is universal and has, at this point, priority over pouncing/leaping... which makes rather little sense. Something with a Predator's weight shouldn't be knocked back, a roll would work better in that regard. Looks like tail slap is also in. (maybe charge versus tap). The Alien may be limb per button rather select/deselect.

The counters success for AI seems to be a little random. In some vids the pred always pounce the marines, and in the last vid a the last marine countered the pred's pounce 4 times in a row...

Anyway its a pre-alpha, so they can still working on the animation, but the counter "concept" its there, and its a good point.

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