AvPR UK Box Office

Started by Darkness, Jan 23, 2008, 06:09:58 PM

AvPR UK Box Office (Read 17,738 times)



Look we need an AVP3. We need the titanic clash that we all have been craving. To see a massive throng of predators and aliens ripping each other apart in a foreign battle field on some far off world. If it has to end, let it end with the awe and magnificence it truly deserves.



Exactly dachande89 that's exactly how I feel. Bring on AVP3 Colin and Greg. Come on haters just one more AVP movie and we'll be done then we can focus on Alien 5 and possibly Predator 3.

Rob - - - - - - ski

Rob - - - - - - ski

All you people talk about is a film being excellent no matter what by it having big digits numbers in budget. It's not how much is spent, but how is it spent.   At $40 million I can do so much with that money. I still find so much better actors that won't cost a cent more. The special effects and sound effects may not be THX surrond sound and digital perfection. But what matters is that you hear it to move you and special effects can still impress while lacking the perfection in most ways. I can make the Alien be as terrifying as it was when it became a legend with the first two films and have Wolf be without idiot support the best Predator on screen, no addition charge.  Lots of money doesn't make good movies. It's the genius of the director that can make a scene spectacular by the perfect execution. Ultimate Example is James Cameron's TERMINATOR done at only $6 million. He got great actors working on a great script and Cameron knowing the best way on how to make each sceen in all perspectives the greatest imaginable without having a forest of money growers.



The AVP franchise is dying we need guns.



Going straight to dvd { because this is like finding Moses dvd collection }



the only way theyd get an illegall dvd thru qauranteen is by sabotageing certain fanboys minds with the hope of a 3rd film  "i say we grease the ratf**k sonnaffa  bitches"



Rob-----ski:If you had all of those guys then the movie would have a chance at being super f***ing awesome because you would'nt have a fan twisting the movie to their own selfish needs (*COUGH,COUGH,STRAUS BROTHERS,COUGH,COUGH*),and you would'nt have a director who did'nt give a s**t..Also yes,a movie does'nt need a big budget,but as you said,Mr.Cameron made TERMINATOR with $6,000,000.Think of what he could do with,oh,lets say,$60,000,000?.  dachande89:Yes,we ALL need that epic battle,something we would all list as GREAT rather then OK or DISAPPOINTING.Then they would have to stop and wait a few more years because if they keep putting awesome movie after awesome movie out then it would lose its awesome-ness.  SHREK:Ya,they should have at least 10 preds (7 for cannon fodder,3 for main story),2 warring hives(F***ING SWEET!),and a enough humans to keep it from looking like national geographic.  PEACE OUT!!!. l..l_   ;D  _l..l

Rob - - - - - - ski

Rob - - - - - - ski

At $6million I could make a county-made epic of AVP in my own town or the Appalachain forest.  Have the best Alien and Predator fans in and around town to help.



Mr.Cameron made TERMINATOR with $6,000,000.Think of what he could do with,oh,lets say,$60,000,000?.   exactly the same .you realy think a studio,s gonna throw money to a new director .  would you say aliens was shit as that cost the exact same amount to make and from what i read it still beats all the new more expensive movie,s that have come after and maybe , just maybe that fueled  his desire to make a better film with his alloted budget ill admit cash helps but without the other elements of a production it will fall flat on its arse everytime. just because you throw shitloads of money at a project dosent mean its going to be better  there are many films out there that cost a fortune yet fail to engage you   opinions are like arseholes , everybody has one and they stink!!!



"opinions are like arseholes , everybody has one and they stink!!!"  Lol could'nt agree with you more on that one!(   :D  ).Nowadays everything is a lot more expensive,back in the 50's they could make an hour long movie with less then $250,000.But as the years pass things become more expensive because people want more.If you watch DAREDEVIL you can see the CG effects,but for BATMAN BEGINS they showed people the real batman and the CG one and the CG one was so good that people thought that THAT was the real one.Just look at the CG facehuggers for AVP-R.You can tell their fake at a glance.But with the more money you have the better the effects,the better the effects the happier the fans,the happier the fans the more money they'll make,and the more money they make,the better the sequal!   ;D  .

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