Oomph! Music Video - New AvPR Footage

Started by Darkness, Dec 14, 2007, 07:56:30 PM

Oomph! Music Video - New AvPR Footage (Read 20,408 times)


" Bottom line: The predators hunt and toy with aliens, if the aliens have their way, they make you extinct. Little eco terrorists!"  haha who'd be around to club the baby seals?


I kept myself from watching most of it, as there are way too many spoilers being showed to us now.



Eh... Germans... Music Videos...  AVP:R?  Ill pass, thats way too much crap and only one good thing. (AVP)

alex McAndrew

alex McAndrew

cool but weird   ???     ;)  



Wow, what an awful song.  Seriously, how can any of you support this crap.  Such talent it takes to play the same three chords over and over for five minutes.


I like the track and I think its good idea to advertise the film in europe. And I agree with sulaco, predator fans (like myself) felt short changed after seeing AVP the aliens were just invincible. I think the bros. have done a good think with the whole 'Wolf' charachter plus the pred-alien is going to be the real challenge for him so can Alien fans stop moaning


In defense of alien fans.  I think that there has been a lot of short changing for the fans of the aliens.  Because if you look at all the comics and games and the like, the aliens are almost always cannon fawder (sp?). And the predators have almost always been shown as unstoppable.  I think AVP was the only time, ever, that the Predators were shown as vulnerable.  So I guess I didn't have a lot of sympathy for the Pred fans (of which I am also one, I genuinely like them both) because it was really cool to see the aliens actually kicking people's asses for a change instead of just getting chewed up by gun fire.  It's just not very scary.  And aliens fans like the idea of their baby being a threat.



Yep got You got to remember the AvP crossover happened only in comics and games (with Predator 2 giving us the possibility). And in there Aliens are always fodder, dangerorous, but fodder to Predators. So for me AvP isn't Predator nor Alien, it's something different. We will see but the Strauses may have just caught exactly what was needed to the crossover be succesful and true to the comics


I dont mind predators getting hurt or killed because thats more entertaining and realistic but in avp the predators were just weak and there was no alien/predator action well not enough    :(   At least in avpr there will be loads of action and alien death but there is also predator death aswell which balances it out    :D   they are both great creatures and both strong in their own way.



hey im an alien fan, and ive got a question ive been wondering about for the past couple of days,...if there is an existing hive whith a queen, and an alien gets a person, just how does he get the person to the hive for impregnation? i mean its been said in books that they carry them, but wouldnt the person be kiking and screaming? and in alien vs predator extinction, when the aliens attack the people/predator, they go comatose fo some reason!  ps:in alien vs predator requiem, why do the aliens need a hive if theres no queen, or any use for impregnation?

Bio Mech Hunter

Sulaco: "B-M-H...  Since when were aliens intergalactic hunters? That's what a predator is... aliens are more like parasites and I highly doubt that your bio mechanical alien from the first film could do sh*t to the original predator, how slow that thing moved and hibernated around the ship, but without weapons not even a predator could last in a hive. Bottom line: The predators hunt and toy with aliens, if the aliens have their way, they make you extinct. Little eco terrorists!"  Sulaco, I WAS reffering to the Preds. I meant predators are cheapened by hunting the supposed "ultimate prey", the aliens, and are able to deal with them so rediculously easily. Where's the "ultimate" part in that? The parasite part?   ::)   They're aren't the ultimate prey if their abilities have been bound and gagged, so to speak. That's for sure.  And no, the alien in the first film wouldn't be a lethargic pushover if push came to shove. For most of the film, it wasn't in any real danger. They're surprisingly cunning and are capable of feats of strength preds can only dream of accomplishing. And with so many nasty natural weapons, no wonder they're the ultimate prey. But not if the directors nerf 'em.   ::)  

Bio Mech Hunter

Nchurch81, not only that, it was the most accurate portrayal of the aliens and they're abilities in any AVP material. It wasn't perfect and there were a few problems, but it was pretty damn faithful. Same goes for the preds considering their circumstance.

Bio Mech Hunter

Starkiller, you can blame that on Fox's incessant want to meddle in the affairs of the directors directing their films. There was A LOT of awesome footage, material and plot points that were heavily edited or just plain cut from the final theatrical version. I was super pissed. Anderson actually had a fantastic vision for the first film, but even the Unrated Edition only had just a fraction of the material re-inserted.  Did you know there were originally suppose to be five preds and quite a few more battles between them and the aliens? Or that Grid and Scar were suppose to have a one on one bout while trying to escape the pyramid? Or that Grid was originally suppose to make it to the surface? It wasn't originally intended to be so light on the human gore either. There was also a lot of great character development and couple story arcs that got cut.   >:(    I REALLY wish Fox would let Anderson go back and create a Director's Cut version and reshoot, finish, and re-insert a lot of that material because there was some fantastic stuff there.   :-[  

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