Paul Anderson Q&A on XD

Started by Darkness, Jul 20, 2004, 12:02:01 AM

Paul Anderson Q&A on XD (Read 10,920 times)



As scheduled, the ‘Ask The Director A Question’ feature in the AvP Xtreme Desktop has been updated with two new question and answers from Paul Anderson. The first goes over the pyramids and a lot of it revolves around what the director said in the first featurette but the second goes onto Alien 5 and Predator 3:

“AVP is designed as a stand-alone franchise. It’s not designed to replace the PREDATOR or the ALIEN movies. As a fan I’d very much like to see ALIEN 5. I’d like to see another ALIEN movie with Sigourney Weaver. I’d also love to see another PREDATOR movie with Arnie. And this movie doesn’t stop either of those from being made!”

The new questions can be read in full on the next page…

Here’s the new information:

2004-07-14 – Kirk from New Zealand

Q) In ascertaining the setting where all 3 races would meet, did you take into account any ancient mythology as using a pyramid for the setting may suggest?

A) Well, something that’s always fascinated me is the work of Erich Von Daniken, who wrote CHARIOTS OF THE GODS and lots of other books, who talks about the similarities between Egyptian pyramids, Cambodian pyramids, Aztec pyramids, three separate cultures that really have nothing to do with one another, that should never have seen each other, should have had no communication, but they ended up building, pyramids that look surprisingly similar.

And of course Daniken’s answer was that aliens built the pyramids, or humans built the pyramids with alien help. And, of course, we agree with him! The backbone of our story is that the movie starts five thousand years ago in Cambodia, three thousand B.C., and you see aliens and predators on the earth. And the idea is the predators use the earth for their manhood rituals, and, what happens is every thousand years, because predators have a very long life cycle, they drop, five teenage predators at a pyramid, and they have to fight for their survival. They fight aliens. And if they survive the battle against aliens they become predator adults.

2004-07-13 – markaussie99 from Winnipeg, Canada

Q) Do you see your movie as remaining true to the Alien and Predator history or are you going to set a new direction for the 2 characters?

A) Well AVP is, a sequel to the PREDATOR movies and a prequel to the ALIEN movies. It ties into both because, it’s the predators hunting on earth as, as you’ve seen in the PREDATOR movies and, you get the indication of Weyland-Yutani and their link to the aliens as in the ALIEN movies. But AVP is designed as a stand-alone franchise. It’s not designed to replace the PREDATOR or the ALIEN movies. As a fan I’d very much like to see ALIEN 5. I’d like to see another ALIEN movie with Sigourney Weaver. I’d also love to see another PREDATOR movie with Arnie. And this movie doesn’t stop either of those from being made!

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well they sure answered none of the questions that we were really concerned with

Aliens Rule

Aliens Rule

LOL @ SHURIKEN!!!!!!!!!!   ;D  



Wow really uninteresting, we just got repeated what pretty much already knew, we can only blame those idiots who's handling the questions and forwarding them to PA, this is not what we wanted to hear about    >:D  



neat upgrades?  personally i think they look like crap.



Screw Alien movies their is all ready 4 of them. Their is onnly 2 Predator movies.I think they need to make a new Predator movie before a nother Alien movie.



O, Hell Alien, I just kinder wanted your thoughts on what you think of the look of the Aliens in this movie, thats all ( and to anyone else who wants to answer)  I was just agreeing with what Bringer of Death was saying about how the design look of the model aliens look to reminsisent to that of the previous Alien films.  I think they should have started from scratch, it would have given a more FRESHER look to the Aliens.   :D  



I think the Aliens should of looked like the aliens in Alien 2. Actually, youk know what, it would of been nice if all 3, not 4, but three of the alien desings were in this movie, each with their own special 'job'.



To me, the Alien design in this film looks like a cross between the Alien: Resurrection guys and the one from the original.  Personally, I thought the Alien looked its best in the third film -- when they weren't using that rod puppet thing.  It's too bad David Fincher didn't stick around for post-production, he would have never let that turn out so badly.



Both G-Dog & papercrouton hit the nail squarely on the Alien's temple. To show ALL the different styles of the Aliens would have been special to say the least, ( the 2nd and 3rd one especially).  Maybe they could do it in the sequel, WHO KNOWS!!  As for David Fincher ......... its not that I was annoyed at the guy for the 3rd it was WHY did he feel he should take on the job if he had such a hard task at doing it. Then, to add more insult to injury DOESN'T take part in the Alien Quadrillogy viewing. It would have been good and interesting to have heard his thoughts on the movie,HIS version of events.  IF he couldn't have done it then WHY take the responsibity on making it? ( BUT I have in time grown to love the movie)   ;D  



J I think you will find that David Fincher got the run around from the studio, as it says in the various making of features on the DVD.  Tis often a problem that a director has a "vision" and the suits from the studio who want to make money tame the vision into a more commercial product.  Hence the problems with AvP, Superman Returns, and MI3.  I would like Paul Anderson to answer why / who he got the project off the ground after soo long and if he honestly thinks he has done it justice ?



Do you think he could do another one again the way he wanted to, and do you BELIEVE he could do it right this time round?   It would be one HELL of a challenage.

Hell Alien

Hell Alien

OK J, I just wanted to be sure there. Well about that alien look, I think that they did take the model of AR but with changes in it. The head is not the same at all, the waist and tail either, so its not that much of the same thing. The legs seemed bit different too from AR, but not that much. So overall, I think that pa did take Ar design and had putted some new lil things of the Alien design. Im bit deceived of the result but dont forget that avp was not allowed a that big budget, so for the movie to be spectacular, they had to cut to some places. And time is a big factor too, they got alot on the new pred design but maybe that the alien suffered from it. Who knows. There alot of things that could had happened in tha studios. I just hope that in the sequel if there is one, they will have the money and time to do the alien like PA really wanted it to be. The queen has been made to PA taste, he decided to do the lil changes on her wich seems cool. But Im intrigued in the look that grid will have. The novel says that he is bigger and all, but will he be like so in the movie?  Wel c.   And about Fincher, i wasa very disapointed of him not being in the quadrilogy. I guest he didnt want to face the fans. When i saw that on the dvd, I almost felt like he wanted this movie to fail. Killing everyone that we loved, saying that the movie was on earth when he wasnt, make 1 alien when he knew that Aliens was the best cuz of the many aliens that were in it. Putting the action in a place that doesnt have any weapons etc...  I felt betrayed by him at that moment. I would had loved to see him explain WHY!   Anyway, PA disurv a chance here. I think that he could do something good out of this.   But something that i would loved to know is what role did the comics had on this movie. It seems that alot of it have been took out of the comics.



I in book the compare the Queen Alien to being BIGGER than the size of a T-rex, SHE WOULD HAVE TO BE  F***ing GIGANTIC!!!  Boy I hope thats true!   ;D  

Hell Alien

Hell Alien

Yea me too !! a trex is 18 feet tall, she is about 16, so yup she could be bigger than a trex, but who knows, she is mabe bigger than 16 feet    ;)   Anyway, she will kick ass. Dumb the way she " die "  but eh the bad guys wont ever win.

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