has anyone considered that this Head is actually just
a statue of the Space Jockey's head, or a relevant specie of its race?
i really doubt that is a human head. i also doubt ridley scott is gonna relate Humans-to-Jockey's.
what can the head being human imply or contribute to the story that would make sense?
i think its a human head and perhaps the jockey is inside it, perhaps atop of the head is where the jockey comes out?
i think what Prometheus will loosely explain, is what the Technology and purpose of the aliens DNA is, the bigger picture.
the question im not sure about, is, are chest burster aliens pre-alien before host? or do they actually take on the hosts features? i read that originally the ALIEN doesnt take on the hosts features despite the dog alien in 3, and that the alien is premade and is just "birthed" from the human?
if this is so, then the alien design is native, and is irrelevent that oen came out the space jockey's chest in the LV-426 ship. if not then i guess its implied we will learn what the original alien creature is like and that the aliens we're accustomed to are only jockey-designed/inherited.