AvP2's Running Time

Started by Darkness, Mar 06, 2007, 04:34:30 PM

AvP2's Running Time (Read 12,392 times)



AVP2 will not bring the franchise back for this reason: when you want to retrace your steps and correct the wrong ones, you don't choose a script that took less than a year to completion! Shane Salerno's first draft was already done by the end of 2005, a few months after AVP hit the streets! So, everything about AVP2 seems rushed and aiming at milking the few remaining drops of this cow called 'Alienpredator', making an easy buck before it dies forever... Sigourney was already too old when she did Alien Resurrection and 10 years later, she is far too old to be back and at'em!



Let me clarify my Shane Salerno' POV: the Alien movies' chronology was 1979-1986-1992-1997, right? THey had at the minimum, 5 years inbetween one and another...The Pred ones: 1986-1990...4 years... So, why would a movie done in less than a year, working on a script written for no more than a year, be any good or as good as those that preceded it? Make no mistake...this AVP is a sequel that is aiming solely at our pockets, just making efforts to give action sequences to numb the Aliens' fans and appealing to the mainstream horror spectators by amplifying the human drama...AICN's review warns about this...



Everything about AVP2 looks awful.  Everything.  The whole movie will be a disgrace.



I really hope you are both wrong, but we will have to wait and see.



Theres no way AVP2 can be worse than Pauls take on the first installment! If it turns out to be worse, then atleast we can enjoy the bitching and crying from all the fans, and especially see how in a moment all the fans went from ass kissing the brothers to now hating them forever.  We are the all singing all dancing crap of the world lol   :D  



if it is a good movie you will loose track of time and scream  for more at the end so the length of the movie is not as important as the quality



Right on gyro!



RIJ:  The development time between the films was not taken up purely with the writing of a script. That would have been peculiar! It was taken up with deciding if they wanted to even do another film, then deciding on writers, directors and so on. Each of those films had several different drafts of each script and most of them even had several entirely diferent stories. 'Alien 3' is a prime example of that, where they went through a great deal of writers and a multitude of stories.  If you are given a script to do and know the general idea to work with, it shoudl be able to be done in just a few days. If you work incredibly hard and are inspired, it could even be done in one, depending on the subject material. They then get sent to other people and then they, most of the time, contribute to that material and do their own drafts of it.



Xenomorphine,  you are right, although my point was that between AVP coming out and AVP2 starting, there was no time to get a quality script! You said it: for all the processes you mentioned, 2 years (let me remind you that AVP2 is in post-production already) is definitely not enough time to do scripts' studies and enabling them on film! All I 'm saying is that given the quality of the first two Alien movies (I think the good-acceptance of Aliens was due to the fact that Alien was too slow-paced and at times incredibly boring, not necessarily because it was well-made - hell, the VFX were a disgrace, especially the dropship ones. ARRGH!) and the time between movies never were under 4 years...Now, how can a script approved by an already decrepit Fox just under 1 (!) year after the aftermath of AVP's debacle can be anything more than just another example of Fox's creative bankruptcy! Also, you can't expect an AVP movie to match the quality and complexity of an Alien one! One is popcornish, aiming solely at fan-pleasing, the other is quality cinema, or at least, used to be...



About the 'bitching and moaning' part, I am only concerned about the franchises, not singular 'pocket universe' movies...I would like so much better an Alien 5 than an AVP and sequels... The mythos of Alien is so much more enticing and richer than a brawl between two alien species... All my concerns revolve around the impact that these AVP flicks will have on these franchises's future, and it doesn't look good...AVP failed, although it recovered on DVD and European market and rightfully so...No matter how arguably good or bad was Paul Anderson's script, I recognize his efforts to make it the best he COULD...He is no Spielberg or Scorsese, nor is AVP comparable to a 'Saving Private Ryan' or 'Departed'...they are two very different styles of filmaking...Having said that, I think I enjoyed AVP more than you guys because i saw it for what it was: an hour and a half of pure entertainment, nothing more, nothing less...



...I am a very avid fan of both franchises but i recognize the aim of a movie when i see one...If you wanted AVP to be a classic, you needed a less commercial-driven director than Paul Anderson...more like a Ridley Scott, Jim Cameron, etc...The Strause Bros are, from Fox's POV, a risk that may or may not pay up...although if it doesn't pay up, the damage will me much less than a 100 or 200-million dollars' budget film...a budget that any one of these directors would get, for sure...so, Paul Anderson was more qualified because of his past experience in games-turned-movies flicks, and the Strause Brothers are making their debut, and unlike David Fiuncher, they did not have a multimillion dollar budget like David had on ALien3 with NO script and with NO sympathy from the brass...



so, IMO, i respect every director that manages to make lemonade of the very few lemons they are given...Jim Cameron had the banking Paul did not...Jim Cameron had the opportunity Paul did not...Jim made a sequel to a movie that was very slow-paced and from the '2001' era (slow-paced movies with very little dialogue and static cameras) so he had everything going for him..all he had was explore one of the many doors the first movie opened...Paul had to manage to make a movie that could function as a sequel to Predator II and a prequel to Alien, which, I believe, would be even hard for Jim Cameron in this day and age... IT all depends of the timing a movie premiers...this AVP would rock if it showed up when Aliens premiered...Now, we tend to me more demanding without really knowing what we want to see onscreen...we just have too high expectations for a movie whose only aim is at entertaining...If I want a story-driven, quality-acting, i choose Spielberg's movies, not Sci-fi monster fest... That is why these movies usually premiere in the Summer...and that is another mistake from Fox right there...premiering an already negatively hyped sequel to an AMERICAN box-office failure...and that puzzles me...WHY would Fox do a sequel to a US box-office failure if not for milking the fans out of their money?



That is why they prefered to do AVP and its quickly-put- up sequel to an Alien 5 or Predator 3...they prefer a movie with a lower budget to cover and, with a little luck, surpass their low expectations and the lower expectations of the fans than risk a multidollar budget on an Alien or Predator movie and end up with a deficit...  PS: I apologise for the overlong posts, guys...but this is one of those days we want to explain every opinion we make...sorry again, guys...   :-[  



You make some really good points RIJO, and are mostly correct.  BUT, I am still hoping for the best! (as I am sure we all are.)



'Hope springs eternal'...  but they are pushing it, aren't they?    ;D  

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