Xenomorphine, you are right, although my point was that between AVP coming out and AVP2 starting, there was no time to get a quality script! You said it: for all the processes you mentioned, 2 years (let me remind you that AVP2 is in post-production already) is definitely not enough time to do scripts' studies and enabling them on film! All I 'm saying is that given the quality of the first two Alien movies (I think the good-acceptance of Aliens was due to the fact that Alien was too slow-paced and at times incredibly boring, not necessarily because it was well-made - hell, the VFX were a disgrace, especially the dropship ones. ARRGH!) and the time between movies never were under 4 years...Now, how can a script approved by an already decrepit Fox just under 1 (!) year after the aftermath of AVP's debacle can be anything more than just another example of Fox's creative bankruptcy! Also, you can't expect an AVP movie to match the quality and complexity of an Alien one! One is popcornish, aiming solely at fan-pleasing, the other is quality cinema, or at least, used to be...