AvP2's Running Time

Started by Darkness, Mar 06, 2007, 04:34:30 PM

AvP2's Running Time (Read 12,394 times)



Something I’m curious about and I imagine a lot of people are too. AvP2 co-director Colin Strause commented on the running time of AvP2 on the IMDB Boards.

“You can’t force a time onto a movie, otherwise it will drag. That said, the length of Predator is good for that type of movie, so I’m sure we will be somewhere in that range once we are done editing, but until then we don’t want to be quoted on the length before the edit is locked. It will be as long as it needs to be.”

So, Predator’s length was about 100mins. Sounds about right, though I was hoping for a two hour film. Maybe that was wishful thinking. I guess it’s better than AvP’s length. What was it? Between 85-90 minutes, I think.

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The length of a movie is nothing...if you want the spectators to care about the characters and the situations depicted, you need one and a half-two hours movie...if all you want is an action movie with no time wasted on characterisation, then 100 minutes is enough...provided the characterisation you do is good enough to make one care about the characters. From the looks of it and given the directors involved, i think this will be a sequel that will try to correct the so-called 'mistakes' of the original, with a cast of unknowns in an arguable setting, reducing the number of Aliens and Predators...which can make it more focused or give away the guys in rubber suits...Given the novice directors, I wouldn't hold my breath...

Mr. Weyland

Mr. Weyland

Longer movie, bigger story, shorter movie, smaller story, I wont a 3 hour movie    ;D  



  ;D   I want Alien 5 to run AT LEAST two and a half hours...AVP the Second? With this cast of deadbits and the setting in a small Colorado town, the shorter, the better...   ;D  



Predator - 107 mins.  AVP- 101 mins.



Running time shouldn't matter. There's no point stretching something that doesn't need stretching. If it was 90 minutes of pure quality, I'd take it over 120 minutes that's not quite paced right.



There's no way AvP was 101 minutes. It was 90 max.



Is that including all the deleted scenes?



AvP Theatrical was 85 minutes long, with a further ten minutes of credits.  I agree with what Greg said - It can only be as long as it can be. If you make it long for the sake of being long, and the content can't stretch that far, then you're going to get a slow, boring movie with large sections of unnecessary crap (like Kong '05).  Predator couldn't have been any longer. Every minute was used to its full potential; Kept the story going, kept the tension going. Making it three hours long would make it one of the most boring movies ever, because it's exactly the right length as it is.

Pvt. Hicks

Pvt. Hicks

2 hours would have been appropriate.



Well said Sil.  I personally think for AVP2 movie 110 or so minutes would be just about right for what SHOULD be done in the movie.

Pvt. Hicks

Pvt. Hicks

Does the film have nudity? I could have sworn Colin Strause was talking about a shower scene over at Alien Experience.



All I know is that AVP 2 better be packed with lots of action, im talking about like James Cameron Aliens action packed! A movie like this that has Aliens and a Predator can be a 2 hours long film. I don't want a bullshit 90mins flick. Jesus, we are talking about a film that is suppose to bring this franchise back on feet, it's no f__king joke. If it turns out to be 90mins.....It better be more than good!                           "BRING THE PAIN!"                                      ;D  



You say 'action-packed' and Aliens in the same sentence. Of all the things Aliens was, 'action packed' is not amongst them. There are three action scenes in the Theatrical cut - Hive, operations, Queen fight - four in the Director's cut - Sentry gun scene, if you could be so kind ... - spread over two hours. It wasn't packed with action. More like liberally sprinkled.

Pvt. Hicks

Pvt. Hicks

Very true SiL, Aliens was not action-packed.

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