Neill Blomkamp Shares New Alien 5 Concept Art

Started by RidgeTop, Dec 27, 2017, 04:04:57 AM

Neill Blomkamp Shares New Alien 5 Concept Art (Read 77,578 times)

Mr. Xenomorph

After rewatching District 9, I think I would rather see Blomkamp's take on something like RoboCop rather than Alien. These designs look rad, but I don't think this would ever happen.



District 9 is the only good movie that the guy has done in my opinion. I don't know why people want his new Alien movie to happen so badly.



I want his take on it because it's been nearly 30 years since the last good/great Alien movie, I don't know why people are so against it, at this point what do we really have to lose?


I think Blomkamp must've stole their lunch at school or something.


Meh. If the art suggested something interesting and new I'd be happy to have my mind changed on his approach. But frankly, a painting of a drop ship and an alien in a air duct doesn't say very much. - why do you even need concept art for that? All you need is screen grabs from previous films and a bit of photoshop editing.


Quote from: N-Shifter on Dec 27, 2017, 08:45:28 PM
I want his take on it because it's been nearly 30 years since the last good/great Alien movie, I don't know why people are so against it

Because his ideas for this one seem deeply derivative and fanfic-y, and he makes bad movies.


Quote from: Gash on Dec 27, 2017, 09:20:46 PM
Meh. If the art suggested something interesting and new I'd be happy to have my mind changed on his approach. But frankly, a painting of a drop ship and an alien in a air duct doesn't say very much. - why do you even need concept art for that? All you need is screen grabs from previous films and a bit of photoshop editing.

Sounds a little lazy.  Doing dedicated artwork shows a little more commitment.  Didn't Anderson do the same on AvP?


Quote from: SM on Dec 27, 2017, 09:23:31 PM
Quote from: Gash on Dec 27, 2017, 09:20:46 PM
Meh. If the art suggested something interesting and new I'd be happy to have my mind changed on his approach. But frankly, a painting of a drop ship and an alien in a air duct doesn't say very much. - why do you even need concept art for that? All you need is screen grabs from previous films and a bit of photoshop editing.

Sounds a little lazy.  Doing dedicated artwork shows a little more commitment.  Didn't Anderson do the same on AvP?

But concept art is about presenting new vehicle design, creature design, costume design.. anything that needs visual representation because it doesn't yet exist. You do get scene setting art which might be a guide to post production but these new pieces seem, in pre-production film making terms, fairly pointless. I can see that they would drum up interest to a certain element of fandom, and that's probably the purpose, but it doesn't say anything about script quality, other than it is extremely derivative. Now he might think that is a good way to sell a pitch to Disney. Maybe he's right.

No disrespect to the artists he's commissioned, there's nothing wrong with the execution of the images, but the ideas he's presented thus far continue to leave me uninspired.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯

Quote from: SpeedyMaxx on Dec 27, 2017, 09:22:41 PM
..and he makes bad movies.

Sigh... here we go again with the mindless hyperbole.

District 9:

Rotten Tomatoes: 90%, Metacritic 81
4 Oscar Nominations including best picture.
Made back more than x7 times it's production budget at the box office.

Elysium was on par critically with Alien Covenant (RT 67% vs. RT 68%, IMDb 6.6 vs. IMDb 6.5) but outperformed Covenant at the box office.

scored higher at IMDb @ 6.8 but suffered critically RT 32%. Also keep in mind that Chappie suffered from a very troubled production, the ending was heavily compromised due to issues they had with one of the lead actors.

But yeah, the guy makes bad movies cause I don't likes his Alien movie proposal.


To be fair he doesn't have the greatest track record after a very promising start.  Elysium and Chappie aren't bad movies, but they're not that good either.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯

Yeah, but I don't think anyone expects him to do a District 9 level movie each and every time. We really need to see a lot more from him before writing him off as a mediocre or a one-hit-wonder director.



Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Dec 27, 2017, 09:57:15 PM
Quote from: SpeedyMaxx on Dec 27, 2017, 09:22:41 PM
..and he makes bad movies.

Sigh... here we go again with the mindless hyperbole.

District 9:

Rotten Tomatoes: 90%, Metacritic 81
4 Oscar Nominations including best picture.
Made back more than x7 times it's production budget at the box office.

Elysium was on par critically with Alien Covenant (RT 67% vs. RT 68%, IMDb 6.6 vs. IMDb 6.5) but outperformed Covenant at the box office.

scored higher at IMDb @ 6.8 but suffered critically RT 32%. Also keep in mind that Chappie suffered from a very troubled production, the ending was heavily compromised due to issues they had with one of the lead actors.

But yeah, the guy makes bad movies cause I don't likes his Alien movie proposal.

But you could reasonably argue that though his first film felt new, his follow-ups have been derivative of the same themes and so the diminishing box office reflect an audience view that he isn't building a solid reputation as a film maker. Given the derivative nature within his own films, melding that with being derivative of Aliens too is probably the overriding thing that makes some of us doubt there's a great film aching to be made.


Reading all of the posts below it's easy to see that fans(including myself) are fickle. People either love blompkamp's unmade alien film or hate it.Although Blompkamp's ideas might not be terribly original I would love to see an Alien film in "a Cameron-esce" setting. We've gotten a number of alien films in a "horror setting" Which hasn't worked too well. Let's give an action film another go. How many novels, comics and games have colonial marines fighting Alien hordes?


You could argue that Aliens is as much of action film as it is horror, but the setting has always been undeniably horror.


Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Dec 27, 2017, 10:12:50 PM
Yeah, but I don't think anyone expects him to do a District 9 level movie each and every time. We really need to see a lot more from him before writing him off as a mediocre or a one-hit-wonder director.

Even if people don't want more Ridley Scott I think many other directors would be a far better choice than Blomkamp.

I want to see fresh ideas and new characters not digging up the past to see an inevitably lesser version of what we've already seen.

That doesn't mean no marines or drop ships, you can do all that without raising the dead, again.

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