This is a prequel to Alien and it does lead up to the events in Alien and the other movies. Sure isn't Weyland and Yutauni in it? Why else would the company send Nostromo to LV426 if they had a nest on Earth? Ripley hasn't even left on the Nostromo yet in this movie. I know, I've read. If the Preds are testing their manhoods why are they wearing their masks? It is only in the games that it says Aliens don't give of heat. Which is stupid coz anything that moves causes friction = heat. It was just to make the game more of a challege. The creators of this movie have not though this out at all. Plus they have a rubbish director in control, meaning this will be the final nail for both franchises, in the cinemas that is. I hope they'll do a decent job, but I can't see it. Aliens were not used by the space jockeys. That space jockey was the only one on that ship, it grew from the chair. It might turn out to be a Pred ship, if AVP wrecks things as I have predicted. The Space Jockey was the pilot, was facehugged, he died giving birth to a Queen crashing the ship in the proccess, sending a warning beforehand. She proceeded to lay eggs, that is where "Alien" comes in. You may argue that it doesn't have Pred style, but the ship has be complete encased in secreation from the xenomorphs giving it the organic look. Please be good, Aliens and Predator are too good to be ruined!