Aliens - Colonial Marines Technical Manual

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jan 13, 2008, 07:31:41 PM

Aliens - Colonial Marines Technical Manual (Read 33,883 times)

Corporal Hicks

I just brought this off of Ebay - an unopened, sealed copy of it! - I haven't read any of it before. The online copy disappeared before I could get to. So I was wondering what folk thought of it?


How much did you buy it for?

I've read bits and pieces. It's very detailed.

Corporal Hicks

£36. Was very surprised it went for so cheap. I've seen it going for £100 before.



Still seems very expensive for a book.

Corporal Hicks

Say that to the guys who brought it for £100.  As far as I'm concerned, this was a bargain. I paid little over double the original retail prize so I'm very very pleased. Especially since it's unopened.


It's very detailed indeed.  The "narrative" part of it, which tells the story of some Weyland-Yutani types reviewing what happened on LV-426 via data they found in Bishop, is amusing, but the real meat of the book is the incredible detail on the Marine materials, technology, ships etc.  If you wanted to know the exact dimensions of an EEV or how much a pulse rifle weighs, well, there you go.

Corporal Hicks

Did Fox every say if they actually counted this as proper reference material?


No they've never commented on it.  Since it was published in '96 it's kind of a moot point anyway.  It's not like any of the Colonial Marine tech has shown up in any of the movies that Fox has made since then.  Seems like it'd be a useful source for anyone who might be into the Aliens or AVP tabletop RPGs.


It's extraordinarily detailed.  Whether ones takes it as canonical or not is up to the reader.

Fox only came to the party fairly late which is why there's a lot of original (as opposed to Official) pictures in it and stuff using Harry Harris and Alien War.

I have used it in part as a canonical source for some Timeline and Encyclopedia stuff.  There's the odd error like a mispelling of Thedus and the length of the Sulaco, but for the most part it's pretty solid work.

One of the best things is the discussion about the Aliens, in that it's presented in a way that avoids hard and fast statements.  It's all theoretical.

The Hunter

So, is this kind of like the thousands of Star Wars reference books? They are useful.



I've never really liked the portion dealing with the aliens, not because it was published as my own material is not (and since Fox does not acknowledge the alien material in the book as canon I'm not concerned), but more from a writing stand point.  It feels like a forced add-on to the book - a book, IMO, that would stand well enough on its own with out the alien material.  That said, I have used portions of alien related material as a springboard for my own work.  There are a few interesting ideas which lead me down some avenues of thought I may not have otherwise traveled. And in other cases I disagreed with something and it forced me to find something else that worked.

The rest of the book is very solid.  There are a few things that don't make tactical sense, but then it's not like there isn't already a precedent for that type of thing in existing military institutions.  And I seem to remember the USCM side arm being different in the book than in the film - but I could be wrong (it's been awhile since I opened it).  I think the book has a picture of a S&W M-39 (Vasquez's side arm) as opposed to the VP70 (the side arm seen on Gorman, Apone, and others).

The book has also been adopted buy the USCM community at large (of which Harry Harris is a part of) as canon for costumes, props, military history, and military structure. Interestingly enough the alien biology portion of the book is usually ignored here too.

It's an entertaining read on a different end of the ALIENS universe.  I recommend it.


Quote from: Thedus on Jan 15, 2008, 07:31:19 PM
The book has also been adopted buy the USCM community at large (of which Harry Harris is a part of) as canon for costumes, props, military history, and military structure.

My god man, I didn't know such people existed


 Thats something I would really like to read.


Never read the whole thing, but I love it. I used to read portions of it every once in awhile when I was bored back in high school.



Quote from: happypred on Jan 15, 2008, 11:21:28 PM
My god man, I didn't know such people existed

Yup.  And there's quite a few folks in the community too.  USCM, UKCM, the Aussie Colonial Marines.

I designed some of the Colonial Marine Charter patches used in the community.

DragonCon, in Atlanta, is the big annual event where most of the community comes together.

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