Weaver's Comments On AvP

Started by Darkness, Aug 11, 2004, 11:36:59 PM

Weaver's Comments On AvP (Read 13,445 times)



You are so right HEAVY METAL SPIKE   8)  



I'm shor that people don't want to see a 54 year old women fight an alien. And I would want her in AVP if it was the Sigourney that I saw in Alien and Aliens, not some 54 year old women holding a machine guns screaming quotes like " Get away from her you bitch" or maybe Biotch lol. I would want Sigourney Weaver if it was the late 80's, before all the shit movies come out like Alien 3, Alien Resurrection, and Predator 2. So forget about seeing a old women fight an alien.



Hey Hunter X   8)    I hear what you're saying.  The problem is she don't know shit about the Predator, so she does not have much respect for the frachise.  If you think about it, for the exception of the Alien movies, she's not much of a star.  To me she has a kind of HALF-ASS persona about her when it comes to her movie roles.



Hey just one thing I noticed about Ms.Weaver....        I just got the Alien Quadrilogy 9 disk dvd set and in all the interviews on the DVD's Weaver seems, I dunno, kinda stupid (to put it kindly).       Whenever she is talking about the Alien(s) being on the set she starts talking like a little girl. I mean for god sakes SHE COULDNT EVEN REMEMBER THE NAME OF THE POWERLOADER OR PULSE RIFLE!!!!. In another interview on the"Alien Resurrection" DVD she calls AVP a "stupid idea, and she wanted no part in it". Dont get me wrong I think that she is a good actor and did a great job in the alien saga....but I mean COME ON, she cant even remember the powerloader name! I dont think that says alot about herself personaly...anyways, I've said my two bits.          I just beg those of you who are Weaver fans to not "Michael Moore" me for stating this opinion.

hunter x

hunter x

if she doesnt know much  about the predator than she should stop talking, it always sounds like shes trying to make avp look bad.



Folks, just because she   doesn't know anything about Predator doesn't make her ignorant. She obivousily doesn't know and understand the chemistry that theses to individuals have with one another, for her she sees this merger more a quick money making idea rather than seeing it the potential sucess   it will be.  Don't be too hard on her, she isn't a devoted fan of the Alien, O yes, she LOVED doing the movies no doubt but for her that was as far as it went, she saw it as a job plain and simple, her role as Ellen Ripley on the set, ONLY.  She has   not rulled out to do the 5th one and quites sees there being possibilities of ending it. Talking with Ridley Scott from time to time on how to end the series properly.   Its up to FOX in the end whether to persue to it or not.   8)  



e_e;  She really disappoints me.  I don't her expect her to go and do a fifth one.  But, yeah...  She (probably) thinks AVP is a stupid concept.  Something like...  "Well, how about we take other movie franchises and make them fight!?  I mean, come on!  We had   Freddy Vs. Jason and now we have   Alien Vs. Predator .  Are we going to create   Riddick Vs. Darth Maul or   Alien Vs. The Terminator next?!"  I don't expect her to be hardcore about the film.  But, it'd be nice to see more positive comments about her.  It's a franchise that hasn't died out.  And, these Alien fans have been around since 1979 and Predator fans since 1987.  And, now they are like fans of the whole AVP thing.  Games, comics, and novels.  But, whatever... I hope the film is really successful.  I think it will be.

Darth Garuda

Darth Garuda

A fricken hedgehog    ???   , the only part where a Predator resembles a hedgehog was when it was rising from the water in I.  Predator is one of the best creature designs ever, she's taking the piss out of Stan Winston Studios with that comment.   If she'd watch the movies and then see what the Predator was gonna look like I think she'd see how good it looks.    The original creature was complete shit!   >:D  



Why on earth would Sigourney Weaver watch the Predator moives ? She is a respected actress I would imagine not a great lover of action movies.  For god sake the Alien movies are just her job and I bet she does not look on them as her opus.



Problem is i think she thinks she`s the star of the Alien movies...

Darth Garuda

Darth Garuda

She got paid far too much for Resurrection and 3, she had far too much away over what happened to the character.  Why does she act weird all the way through Resurrection and then at the end just change to the normal Ripley?  Seemed stupid.  The Xenomorph has always been the star of the Alien movies, she's pissed because AVP has absolutely nothing to do with her character, she can't influence anything on how it pans out either.  I would want to see her in another, romping around on a zimmerframe.

Just kidding.    ;D 



The Predator doesn't look like a hedgehog, its more of a warthog and a praying manthis or some kind of insect. Sigourney has put on her hearing aidand glass so she can see the real power and danger of the Predator.



Weaver make fun of Predator, Weaver must die!   >:D  



Sigourney Weaver and the Aliens have always been the two stars of the Alien franchise.  I'd like to see her again out there in A5.  I really don't think she's mad at AVP because she's not in it, rather it's her own personal disdain for the 'vs.' trend; she did say she hopes AVP makes a lot of money for the studio.  As for 'I died to avoid AVP', I think that is somewhat of a free interpretation; in other interviews she said she just wanted to die to end the series, she didn't "want to be out there on an spaceship, there was an alien onboard, and no one believes Ripley" situation.    For the Aliens franchise, Sigourney probably doesn't remember what a powerloader is, she also didn't remember what Hicks' name was in the 2nd film, so what.  She's done way too many films and stage shows to remember everything.  She's not a fanboy.  Going back to A5, there's a reason why James Cameron refused to write Sigourney out of Aliens because "Ripley is the franchise."  The storyline has been damaged by the atrocious AR, but I would like to see an older Ripley out there facing the aliens one last time, to finally deal with where the aliens came from.  Plus new Colonial Marines with really futuristic weaponry would be cool.  They could explain Ripley being older by noting the accelerated aging that occurs in some cloning processes.  Even so, I think it would be very interesting for once to break the ageist attitudes of Hollywood and have an older woman being a hero.  P.S. Comments about being 'senile' and 'deaf' are rather immature and speak to the crudeness of some fans.



A well informed Actor/Actress, if they truly care about playing their part to the best of their abilities, not just to satisfy themself but their Rabid sci/fi audience who will be paying money to see them, makes sure they know everything about their character and the storyline to give the best performance they can...From the failures of Alien ressur- erection? and Alien3(AKA pay me millions of dollars to shave my head) ..Clearly Sig Weaver:  A)  Has very little knowledge of the Alien.......However lots of knowledge of the human factor----LT. Ellen Ripley, the company, unintelligent prisoners who could only fight by being bait and lighting fires.  The fun of alien was completely squandered by increasing the human factor, and substracting the alien factor (i.e 1 alien in A3).   B) Namely, less Ripley and more Alien is what everyone wanted.  Therefore she did not have any knowledge of what her audience wanted (namely Aliens #2 where there were more alien then ).  In R-Erection, she realized, OK more aliens, but lets talk about cloning, and Sensitive robots and a greedy military.  How many times are the same concepts of human evil and greed going to be contrasted with saving humanity in an Aliens movie!?!?  The people who see these movies are sci-fi nerds who want to know more about the sci-fi, and less about good and bad of human nature....we know about human nature, we don't know about Alien and Predator Nature.    For instance, I would like to see the Predator home planet, how the aliens/facehuggers were derived, maybe what does a female predator look like (does she wear lipstick on her spider face?)  Who are the space Jockeys?  Last but not least, which "alien", the predator or the alien, is the most powerful force in the sci-fi universe?  Sig weaver, if she does want to be in another alien movie should have nothing but positives to say about AVP....Why? Because Fox is waiting to see how successful AVP is to determine if there is a market for more Alien and/or Predator movies that stand by themself.    A note to directors/writers.....If your going to use humans in a sci-fi movie...don't make them weak, ignorant, greedy and defenseless all the time.  Use humans to uncover Sci-fi secrets about Predators and Aliens....So humans might have some equal footing...so that it is not an expected shock that 1 human (which most of the time is Ellen ripley) wins or gets her way.  That is boring.  Look foward to seeing AVP tomorrow, I have been waiting a LOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooong Time.  Go Predators!   :)  

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