AvP Reviews Roundup (Bad)

Started by Darkness, Aug 13, 2004, 11:38:46 PM

AvP Reviews Roundup (Bad) (Read 24,109 times)



waited to many years for nothin



i kept expectations very low until i saw the "Face Off" clip. after that i just kept sayin over and over, "this film is gonna kick everyones ass!" i shouldnt have done that. but, dont despair everyone. there is cool shit in the movie, and lots of fans im sure will find parts they enjoy

its not like paul anderson doesnt lube everyone up before he butt-rapes em.  there are cool scenes in it even tho evryone is doggin. the shurikens are pretty damn cool. but, why the hell didnt they jus use those the whole time? they seemed pretty damn effective!

Lord HamsteR

Lord HamsteR

i didnt even bother to read all that crap where morons which got payd to make funn and ecvelaize the movie with shit they are filld from head to fingers on theyr feet!!  i know this movie is awsome and i blody hope that this movie will be a reason to make AvP3 the game fatser then in 10 years!  btw why da hell you guys whine about? this movie has more then 1 Pred and it has bloody hundrets of aliens which have more action then in 4 other movies!!!  talk about bigets fans of the preds and aliens that more then a very unfair"OK" is what movie about our favorite monsters that was made sins 1999 deservs....i mean come on!! insted of soporting other ppl opinions we should treet AvP as the best thing on worlds cinema this year!!! btw if all of you are bigest fans and you talk about movie as "OK" then dont expect to see another movie fore the next 10 years minimum!!



i remeber how excited i was when i saw the 1st trailer where it didnt even show any seens it just showed the alien and pred and then all the great trailers and clips and now i find out the movie only has 20 mins of preds n aliens and 2 of the preds die in 2 mins i really had huge hopes for this movie paul anderson doesnt deserver to say hes a fan of aliens or predators i couldnt wait for this movie to come out on dvd but now i rly dont care lets just hope if there is a sequel paul isnt director,10 preds 100 aliens,future,marines,no lex, 4 hours long, blood, rated r



Okay sorry to tell all the people who said that the   movie would have nothing to do with the predator   books, BUT THEY DID!!!  This damn movie is basicly   the first damn book in the Aliens vs Predator   bookline.  Jeez.



i agree that at least we got our movie. but, it is obvious that the budget was not the problem here. it was paul anderson makin a movie about what he wanted. didnt cater to any fans of any of the series as far as i can tell. hope they make more and hope they get a mature director!



serously who makes a human and predator fall in love i mean i know the preds r so damn hot(sarcasm for idiots who didnt kow)



most pple on this site bitched at me for bein skeptical, but i knew they could not make a PG13 flick and preserve much dignity to these beloved characters. if u wanna like this film, i suggest not taking it too seriously



Look, I didn't like Alien/Predator because of the creatures. I'm a fan of those movies because of the way they were made, made me feel and the way they made the creatures, and that's not all about the creature's look, that's nothing compared to the above, and that's the thing most of you guys seem to care about. So Red Hamster, having "more then 1 Pred and bloody hundrets of aliens" is not enough, in fact it's nothing.

This movie doesn't even have one little bit of originality.



This movie doesn't even have one little bit of originality.



im a huge fan of the "look". its whats mainly responsible for my becoming an artist. Check this out: http://www.planetavp.com/features/fan-art/index65.shtml  the one by ColbieTodd is mine. ive sent in some more cool ones, but they r kinda slow at puttin em up.

El Demonio Cazador

El Demonio Cazador

I've seen the movie twice already and overall, better than what I expected, it's good, not excellent but...chill out people, enjoy it....



Ok, but we're talking about a movie here, and it cannot be mainly based on look and quantity.



shit i enjoyed teh film ............................



I'll probably see it again too. was supposed to take a date to see it tonight, but called it off cuz i seriously doubt i'll get any P if i take her to that

goin to see harold and kumar instead.   hey, the only thing i have to look forward to now is live action Transformers. but, havent heard a word about it in a long time. anyone kno of any current details? or does anyone care?

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