Pictures From Xtreme Desktop

Started by Darkness, Jul 12, 2004, 03:52:37 PM

Pictures From Xtreme Desktop (Read 20,816 times)

Orion The Hunter

Orion The Hunter

I only asked whether or not he was going to direct the next avp movie.   To Me that shot was indeed a Predator ship flying by to drop off the Predators.



I submitted a question under my original nick "Froster." I would think they'd have questions up by now. I guess it's taking them some time to either update the Q & A or they just haven't gotten enough questions yet.



Or maybe because this XDesktop thing is new, it'll be updated next Monday night.  My nickname was "Event Horizon."

Orion The Hunter

Orion The Hunter

i just put my friggin name lol



I'm trying to get these pics, but nothing is happening someone please help.  Yes I did read what to do, but its not working.

Orion The Hunter

Orion The Hunter

r u makin sure to press tab. if you are then a yellow highlight should pop up somewhere around the screen. then use the arrow keys to move it towards the wallpaper pics.



Anybod know what the panel on the left is for on the XD?



wow this is a cool desktop



the figh gill predator looks odd it dosen't look right



When is this chat with Paul"The Man"Anderson?? I wouldn't mind getting in on some of this Q/A session and I'd probably ask what he feels about the fanbase shitting on him everytime this movie is mentioned and his past credits being brought up constantly to refelct that??? Whether or not he's phased in the least or basically, is he just like "f**k them and I'll make it the way I want and if they don't like it, don't see it" type of attitude?? I mean, someone has to ask and I'm tired of having to defend this guy at shit sites like IGN or Rotten Tomatoes and to everyone who's on this kick of: "This sucks", "that sucks", "this looks like crap and whatnot and because it's made by Paul Anderson, that must mean it sucks" and it's very discouraging after while folks.. By the way, the pics up above look fantastic and perhaps FOX should take a look at these and market this better... Be nice to see a TV spot once in awhile you know, especially since it opens in 30 days.. I mean, goddamn, do they want this film to fail or what???

Saint Sinner

Saint Sinner

If anyone hasn't noticed yet, I'm pretty sure the Fish Gill Predator IS that one with the cyclops-visor. He's seen in the trailer many times, but the cyclops-visor part of his mask is evident when the Alien is sneaking up behind him ("they're using us as bait") and another part where he turns around and is holding some type of staff. I'm suprised a lot of people haven't noticed that. This mask was also seen on the website too.

Also, in one of the featurettes you see a guy working on a Predator mask, and the mask has these gizmos and inner-workings on both sides. That mask can be seen being worn by the Predator ontop of the pyramid when he holds his staff up (before the explosion) you can see the shadowy outlines because of the lighting.  What's also strange, is the mask that is attached to the Elder action figure's arm, has this SAME EXACT DESIGN on both sides. The only thing missing on the action figure's helmet is the middle part that would cover the mandibles. I wonder if this Elder is the one seen in the concept art who's holding up the Alien head (if this is in the movie.)



that second picture is absolutely nasty  cant frekin wait  just noticed, in the second picture, the pred has verticle slits, not horizontal ones like the Gill Predator has, if this second one is in the movie, its obviously another pred and is the 4th one.  that leaves just one more unknown



aye ive worked out how to get em!!



  ;D   the pictures are awsome, mainly the 4th one down. Just as a unrelated coment the predators kick     ASS !!!!!!!!!



HOLYSHIT The pictures are ASS KICKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ;D     ;D     ;D     ;D     ;D  

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