One thing, for those of you who have seen it already...

Started by CoBHC, Jun 01, 2012, 06:37:58 AM

One thing, for those of you who have seen it already... (Read 6,190 times)


Did it feel like the movie was long enough?


No, but I'm not saying another 1/2 an hour would definitely have made it a better movie. The final act feels so rushed, I'll reserve final judgement 'til I see a director's cut.


The length is fine. My problem was that where previous films in the franchise have been rather self contained the ending felt like The Fellowship of the Ring. As if it was part one of a much longer film... only part 2 isn't even a guarantee at this point.  :P


Most of my friends told me the same. The current version have too many plot holes because the scenes seems cut due to its length limit. I guess I am waiting for the Director's Cut.

Michael Harper

Quote from: Gazz on Jun 01, 2012, 10:11:34 AM
The length is fine. My problem was that where previous films in the franchise have been rather self contained the ending felt like The Fellowship of the Ring. As if it was part one of a much longer film... only part 2 isn't even a guarantee at this point.  :P

Yeah I agree with this. It felt as though we should expect a sequel the following year to continue/end the story. Hopefully Ridley gets moving on this soon, and not just let it to turn to dust like he did with the Robin Hood sequel he said he was going to make.

Michael Harper

Quote from: Gazz on Jun 01, 2012, 10:11:34 AM
The length is fine. My problem was that where previous films in the franchise have been rather self contained the ending felt like The Fellowship of the Ring. As if it was part one of a much longer film... only part 2 isn't even a guarantee at this point.  :P

Yeah I agree with this. It felt as though we should expect a sequel the following year to continue/end the story. Hopefully Ridley gets moving on this soon, and not just let it to turn to dust like he did with the Robin Hood sequel he said he was going to make.


Quote from: Stannis Baratheon on Jun 01, 2012, 10:27:20 AM
Quote from: Gazz on Jun 01, 2012, 10:11:34 AM
The length is fine. My problem was that where previous films in the franchise have been rather self contained the ending felt like The Fellowship of the Ring. As if it was part one of a much longer film... only part 2 isn't even a guarantee at this point.  :P

Yeah I agree with this. It felt as though we should expect a sequel the following year to continue/end the story. Hopefully Ridley gets moving on this soon, and not just let it to turn to dust like he did with the Robin Hood sequel he said he was going to make.

But 20 more minutes would have helped flesh more some characters ^^


Quote from: NGR01 on Jun 01, 2012, 10:37:58 AM

But 20 more minutes would have helped flesh more some characters ^^

Or perhaps avoid the slasher movie aspect of the end.


I have come in peace with that aspect.
He's a grunt, a soldier, he's pissed that his ship got destroyed by a lower race he was supposed to destroy 2000 years ago.
I guess what he does is normal.
I'm just dissapointed that he doesnt get to fight (and the human survivor) what was unleashed in the base.
The massive engineer xenos that do very perverse things...
Man i would have loved that instead of just a baby one appearing at the very end for 1minute.


Quote from: NGR01 on Jun 01, 2012, 11:04:35 AM
I have come in peace with that aspect.
He's a grunt, a soldier, he's pissed that his ship got destroyed by a lower race he was supposed to destroy 2000 years ago.
I guess what he does is normal.
I'm just dissapointed that he doesnt get to fight (and the human survivor) what was unleashed in the base.
The massive engineer xenos that do very perverse things...
Man i would have loved that instead of just a baby one appearing at the very end for 1minute.

Completely agree with you there! Such a shame they aren't exploring more in the movie.

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