New Multiplayer Map: Legend

Started by Olde, Nov 04, 2024, 01:40:06 PM

New Multiplayer Map: Legend (Read 385 times)



Hey all, we are releasing a new multiplayer map today called Legend. This map takes place in an underground cavern hiding an ancient Mesoamerican temple. Above, the clouds hang heavy and a dim light illuminates the dusty exterior. Inside, leaves cover the ceiling, overgrown vines hang down, and moss has spread all over the floors. Broken pillars stand in faded glory. Fires still burn mysteriously on their sconces. A large sculpture lies at the heart of the temple, its purpose unknown.

This map is the culmination of months of work that started as an experiment, the creation of an original map using the Hammer map editor (normally used for Source games such as Half-Life 2). The layout and aesthetic look of this map were designed by my good friend Kinesio. I, along with Cracco, have worked on this map in the AvP editor over a period of many months. The map's layout was tailored for AvP Classic's unique gameplay. It was created in the same spirit as Rebellion's custom maps between 2000-2001, that is, a unique and detailed aesthetic with many branching but mostly interconnected pathways leading to two large areas functioning as arenas on opposite sides where most of the open action should congregate.


I want to thank Kinesio for creating the original layout and spending time working on textures and lighting with us. We're very proud of this work here, which while it isn't the first original map I've worked to release (that honor goes to Hall of Statues), this is the most original. This map is also special as it brings in a younger generation used to mapping in more modern editors to a game that, without our work to keep alive, will too, like the hallowed hallways of this temple, be abandoned to time. We truly hope you enjoy.

Side note: this map is fairly dark when played on the game's original gamma setting, as it was lit with the game's highest gamma setting in mind, so please adjust accordingly if you don't play on the highest gamma setting. Otherwise be prepared to have to look closely in the dark.

This is likely to be our last custom map release this year, and probably for a good long while. Thank you for checking out our mapping work in 2024. We've released 15 new maps this year when our initial goal was three. Hopefully you can enjoy testing them out and agree with me that we've saved the best for last. We're happy that we could celebrate the 25th anniversary of AvP '99 by giving back to the community and this excellent classic game. Until next time.

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