New to Steam and finally playing AvP Classic- Question

Started by jthuconn, Jun 15, 2024, 12:46:58 PM

New to Steam and finally playing AvP Classic- Question (Read 655 times)


Hi, everyone. I finally upgraded my PC to enjoy non console gaming and have AvP Classic ready to go!

I'm just learning about manually mapping controllers for games that don't natively support it and for AvP, I've used, "AVP Classic 2000 KB+M to Xbone Pad" and was hoping someone could help.
-Playing as the Marine, can you jump? It's mapped to button A but wasn't working.
-Is there a way to slow down the movement? Boy it moves fast!

Thanks for any help!


Fwiw avp classic actually does support 360 pads natively. It's not a satisfying experience though, the game was 100% designed with kb+m in mind.

You can only slow the game down with cheat codes (which don't allow level progression). It's meant to be played at lightning speed anyway.


Hi Bobblen,
Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. I really appreciate it. I was able to figure some things out (like noticing that the controller mapping for my Xbox One controller had a couple mistakes from the community template). Case in point, I actually did need to jump and duck so I was good to go once I fixed the mapping :P

I've gotten through three levels so far so I'm getting used to the swiftness of it. I may give kb+m a try again, it's just after being on consoles for so long, it'll be a bit of a learning curve.

So crazy to be playing it after all this time! I guess I'll need to hunt down a Jaguar next  ;D


Sounds like you've got it all under control, nice one. You've got Marine level 5 to look forward to soon, that's a serious challenge if you've never played it before!


Quote from: Bobblen on Jun 19, 2024, 02:04:17 PMSounds like you've got it all under control, nice one. You've got Marine level 5 to look forward to soon, that's a serious challenge if you've never played it before!

Thanks for the warning!  :o  :o  :o  :o  Level 5 is up next  ???

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