AvP's 25th Anniversary

Started by Olde, Apr 26, 2024, 06:34:28 PM

AvP's 25th Anniversary (Read 2,507 times)



Hey everyone, today is the day we've finally released the v2.0 of the Universal Map Pack.

LINK: https://www.moddb.com/games/aliens-vs-predator/addons/universal-map-pack
ALTERNATIVE MIRROR: http://avpunknown.com/avpclassic/files/maps/universal_map_packv2.zip

This contains fixed up and improved versions of all of the official Rebellion custom maps (adam, Azure, Bane, Biosphere, Bleak, Conflict, Ethereal, FleshBox, Fossil, Jungle, LastStand, mult, Neon, Piranesi, Reactor, Storage, StorageXL...and all of their coop counterparts) as well as fixed up and improved version of a lot of the most promising fan-made maps made between 2001-2010, such as Midwinter, OPPavpge1 (aka Pyramid), Jungle-XL, Goldeye_facility, and Research Base.

Now I understand people might be concerned about what constitutes a "fix" in our eyes. Well we've been working with the AvP mapping tools for years at this point and we know not only how to eliminate bugs, but also how to polish and refine a map to look as pristine as the official maps. The touch-ups we've given these maps have zero to do with balancing changes or adding alternate areas, adding little secrets, removing things we don't like, etc. The original identities of the maps are left completely intact and to the untrained eye might not appear any different. We've only believed in adding light quality of life improvements for visibility, audio, accessibility, easier installation, organization, and/or file consolidation. This ranges from linking modules (areas for visibility) and adding proper item destruction sounds and fragments to fixing bugs such as maps spinning and players spawning or falling into a void. Changes are only ever made for optimization and a better experience. Not every map has been touched, only the ones deemed worth improving have been improved. A full list of map edits is available in the document entitled AvP Universal Map Pack v2 Changes.rtf

Furthermore, as part of the initial announcement of our AvP 25th anniversary project, we had guaranteed at least three custom maps. We believe in going above and beyond, as we have overshot that mark. The UMP v2.0 contains not three, but 10 new quality maps made by us since only our initial announcement back in late April: Block Fort (Coop and DM), Ice Station Zeto, AvP Jag Sublevel 3, AvP2-Outpost4, Lab 15, Lab 16, Lab 17, Statue 2, Hall of Statues, and Oblivion.

It's been a long wait but hopefully upon reading the change notes, you'll see why it's taken us this long to get the v2.0 released. Bear in mind that the map pack contains nearly 220 maps and we've meticulously tested each and every one. In many cases we've put more work into fixing maps than have been put into making them (no exaggeration). However, we're not miracle workers and we can't turn shit into gold, which is why many of the old maps that barely had any effort put in will just remain as is.

We have two more releases planned for the community this year, the first being our quality-of-life-improved vanilla multiplayer maps, and the second being the same treatment to the vanilla single-player maps. Stay tuned for more information later. Thanks!



Hey everyone, we've just released our pack of map fixes to the stock multiplayer and skirmish maps (Sewer, Massacre, Jockey, Hive, Statue, Compound, Elevator, Hadley's Hope, Lab 14, Leadworks, Meat Factory, Nostromo, Subway, Office, Stranded, and Trapped). These primarily consist of bug fixes like getting stuck on the Subway building, improving visibility, reducing flashes of white light in the predator's green vision mode, and making movement along certain floors and walls smoother. We've done no balance changes here. The multiplayer map pack here is completely compatible with vanilla players and is meant to be a small quality of life upgrade for expert players who have noticed small details that needed slight optimization. A full list of changes is included with the pack. We hope you enjoy.



Hey everyone, the time has finally come to announce the final installment of our update commemorating this game's 25th anniversary. The AvP Classic community has officially released our updates and bug fixes to the stock single-player maps, as well as some slight model fixes to improve some visual bugs. This means all 32 single-player maps have been pored through for all the fixes that we are possibly able to make without access to AvP Classic 2000's source code. All of the numerous changes are too great to list here (they are all provided in a document inside the .zip file), but for instance the big one we're happy with is that we found a way to pre-load all bot NPCs into all maps, so you can once again spawn any bot you want in any given map, which was possible with AvP Gold but not natively in AvP Classic 2000. Some players will be happy to know that we've solved the crash that potentially happens at the end of the fifth marine mission, Tyrargo.

In addition, we've added more tools for modders who would are interested in making their own maps and content in the future. For example, we've included a handy object browser created by RhapsodyInGeek that displays all of the various model shapes given to us by Rebellion. Another additional update is a very handy debug tool used to place blood and bullet hole decals into a level. These additions have been added to the previously uploaded AvP Editing Tools already available on ModDB.

In order to simplify things, we've consolidated our updates to the stock single-player and multiplayer maps and models into one upload rather than multiple separate ones. This update can be accessed below.

MODDB LINK: https://www.moddb.com/games/aliens-vs-predator/addons/single-player-multiplayer-model-updates
ALTERNATIVE MIRROR: http://avpunknown.com/avpclassic/files/sp-mp-model-update.zip

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