New Multiplayer Map: Subway - Christmas Edition

Started by Olde, Dec 20, 2023, 05:50:56 PM

New Multiplayer Map: Subway - Christmas Edition (Read 816 times)


Hey again, for the Christmas season Cracco and I decided to create a spin-off map based on Subway, which we have just released. It is called Subway Xmas and as you can imagine, this is the same Subway you know and love but with some Christmas flair, including new textures, models, and sounds. So this holiday season why not spice up the map variety by including this modified classic in the roster? As always, cheers and we'll see you there!




Hope you all have fun with it and Happy Holidays to you peoploids.

Corporal Hicks

So stupid question as I've not actually done it yet - how do we install the new custom maps for AvP Classic? Or is there a readme in the downloads?



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Dec 21, 2023, 08:12:53 AMSo stupid question as I've not actually done it yet - how do we install the new custom maps for AvP Classic? Or is there a readme in the downloads?
In the download, there are both picture instructions to install and a readme with installation instructions. Basically you should just drag the folders out of the .zip and merge them into the root AvP Classic 2000 folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000).

Corporal Hicks

Thanks Olde

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