New Multiplayer Map: Facing Worlds

Started by Olde, Oct 29, 2023, 02:45:57 PM

New Multiplayer Map: Facing Worlds (Read 1,585 times)



Hey everyone! Today Cracco and I are proud to release our port of the Unreal Tournament map Facing Worlds for Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000. We've tried to keep it accurate to the original while bearing in mind how to best facilitate gameplay in AvP's deathmatch modes. Facing Worlds was the first map I ever wanted to see in AvP Classic upon learning about the existence of custom maps for the game. However, due to inexperience and lack of a dedicated modding partner, it had to wait. Now after developing our skills as mappers in collaborations on over 10 maps, Cracco and I can proudly present this project as an exciting new map to AvP and as an homage to one of the greatest multiplayer maps of all time. We hope you all enjoy playing as aliens, marines, and predators on Facing Worlds!


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