New Multiplayer Map: AvP2-Leadworks

Started by Olde, Oct 05, 2023, 07:59:02 PM

New Multiplayer Map: AvP2-Leadworks (Read 2,127 times)



Hey everyone, today Cracco and I are releasing our port of the AvP2 map Leadworks for Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000. There exists a previous port of this map by Mad_Max_RW for his Redux mod in 2012, however our work was done from scratch by directly porting the map and textures straight from AvP2 and is not based on his version. We have made this map with the idea of taking full advantage of AvP Classic's dynamic lighting engine. Unlike AvP2's map, which retains persistent volumes of lighting set throughout, our version of the map will get progressively darker and darker as the breakable light fixtures get destroyed until the hallways become engulfed in pitch black. Naturally some ambient lighting will still remain. The below pictures show the map with varying degrees of lighting to demonstrate this effect.


Alternative Mirror:

Corporal Hicks

That looks really good! Almost looks like AvP2. Nice work!


Wow! Looks fantastic.

I really kinda wish Rebellion would enable Steam Workshop support for AVP Classic.

Solid Beard

It would be awesome make new maps using AVP2 textures.



Hey all again, just wanted to let everyone know that we've just updated AvP2-Leadworks to include a a cooperative version of the map as well. The ModDB and AvPUnknown uploads now contain both the deathmatch and coop versions. The coop version is named AvP2-Leadworks(c).rif in keeping with the traditional naming scheme of coop maps. Hope those who enjoy skirmish/coop have fun with it!


Quote from: Olde on Mar 06, 2024, 10:59:16 AMHey all again, just wanted to let everyone know that we've just updated AvP2-Leadworks to include a a cooperative version of the map as well. The ModDB and AvPUnknown uploads now contain both the deathmatch and coop versions. The coop version is named AvP2-Leadworks(c).rif in keeping with the traditional naming scheme of coop maps. Hope those who enjoy skirmish/coop have fun with it!
Looks fantastic, I really loved playing this map on AvP2. And always as the Runner. I just love everything that as Alien³ aesthetic

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