.Riff files plugin in Blender ?

Started by Solid Beard, Sep 18, 2023, 08:48:54 PM

.Riff files plugin in Blender ? (Read 1,636 times)

Solid Beard

Solid Beard

I'm playing around the idea of making or importing 3d models in Blender and to add them into AVP Classic. All I need is a plugin of those files, unfortunately there is no plugin for that.



.RIF plugins were only made to be compatible with versions R2 and R3 of 3D Studio Max (which was around 1998). I can export models to .RIF if they're in some sort of format that 3D Studio Max can import. .3ds would be easiest but .OBJ should work too because I have a program that can convert from .OBJ to .3ds. If you can export your models to .OBJ in Blender then I can export those to .RIF for you.

Solid Beard

Well, sounds promising. I think that I should mention that most of the models are from ACM which, I assumed you have them as well.
And I presumed that if I gave you the .obj files that you can convert and export to .rif are you going to rig the animations too ?



I don't have the A:CM models, so you would have to send me the .OBJs. I can't do animations, I can only do geometry exports.

Solid Beard

Alright then, I'll export them and send it to you. I didn't mean to animate them, just to set animation of the vanilla model to the custom one, though I could do it myself if possible.



Alright, sounds good. DM me here or find me on Discord or Steam and we can see if the models will export correctly.

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