APM: Upcoming Fan-Made UE4 Remake of AvP Classic

Started by Olde, Aug 14, 2023, 12:11:21 AM

APM: Upcoming Fan-Made UE4 Remake of AvP Classic (Read 11,200 times)


Quote from: xxx on Mar 14, 2024, 09:40:02 AMHi,I do have problems with controls - is there an option for me to change the control keys?
Hi the controls are standard W,A,S,D and arrow keys for left handers, Because of Advanced Locomotion System, I did try to add that feature of being able to remap controls, however the system would not function at all sadly, so I could not impliment that part.

Quote from: Sabres21768 on Mar 14, 2024, 08:08:19 AMIt's still fairly new.
Don't give up so easily.
Perhaps I may just put it aside for now to avoid burnout. as it could still use a few minor updates. But seriously only twelve downloads in total? Unless there is more interest in the project I'll have to leave it as is for now, so we'll see. Thanks!


Quote from: bladeghost on Mar 14, 2024, 03:01:34 PM
Quote from: xxx on Mar 14, 2024, 09:40:02 AMHi,I do have problems with controls - is there an option for me to change the control keys?
Hi the controls are standard W,A,S,D and arrow keys for left handers, Because of Advanced Locomotion System, I did try to add that feature of being able to remap controls, however the system would not function at all sadly, so I could not impliment that part.

Quote from: Sabres21768 on Mar 14, 2024, 08:08:19 AMIt's still fairly new.
Don't give up so easily.
Perhaps I may just put it aside for now to avoid burnout. as it could still use a few minor updates. But seriously only twelve downloads in total? Unless there is more interest in the project I'll have to leave it as is for now, so we'll see. Thanks!

Just twelve? Weird, was it put to the AVP Facebook?
My problems were with the weapon selection....I mostly died because the weapon I was using suddenly wasn't working and I had to choose it again or choose another...
The different vision modes for predator are cool too


I downloaded but just haven't had a chance to get on it yet.

Corporal Hicks

Hey Jon! Sorry, I played the previous demo but haven't had chance to try the new one as yet. It is buried a bit in this sub-board. I'm going to post it on our social pages and share it around the FB groups too.

Corporal Hicks

Split off the starter project as its own thread and moved to the top of General A/P Games.


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