Started by Darkness, Aug 09, 2007, 04:46:08 PM
There’s a new audio interview with AvP2 music composer Brian Tyler over at You can download the MP3 (16MB) and listen to it as a podcast if you like. He talks about AvP2 between 3:50-8:00. It’s similar stuff to what he’s said in previous interviews. He says the Alien and Predator music will be recognizable. There’s a big twist to it but it relies on a story point which he can’t talk about. Thanks to John Chambers for the news.
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Quote from: Darkness on Aug 09, 2007, 03:47:03 PMThere's a new audio interview with AvP2 music composer Brian Tyler on Download (16MB) He talks about AvP2 between 3:50-8:00. It's similar stuff to what he's said in previous interviews. He says the Alien and Predator music will be recognizable. There's a big twist to it but it relies on a story point which he can't talk about.
Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Aug 09, 2007, 05:27:37 PMSSDD