Predators Officially Released!

Started by Darkness, Jul 08, 2010, 07:00:42 AM

Predators Officially Released! (Read 19,441 times)



This was insane! I actually give it 9.5 out of 10 thank you Trouble Maker productions


Just saw the movie. over all it was good. Just a little too slow in some part's of the film. The new Pred's looked great.



what a great flick, looks like another predator movie on the way as you see more poor bastards being dropped off on that god forsakennnnnnnnnnnnnnn hole.Modprecar Sydney



Whats weird is that in the trailer for the one point , Royce had 15 predators locked on to him...But in the movie there was only, three predators that locked on to him ???
There were always 3 preds on that planet :o

WTF ???




yeah i know what you mean maybe its in the DVD Cut edition

Wait till the DVD comes out

Seeing the movie for the 4th time I f**king love this movie finally we can forget those horrible AVP Films

:)  :)  :)  :)

Thanks RR you made predators fans very happy



Saw Preds.last night 8.5/10. I think the film was great,liked the fact that the Preds.still have a mystery surrounding them,keeping the fans hungry and still wanting more.Great introduction to some new characters/creatures as well and nice and subtle nods to the other films in the franchise.Will go and see again-Wingchun8-8th Predator Clan.



It was awesome, worth the wait.....sequel please!!!



I loved Predators, I would say its on par with the first one!
10/10 stars!!!



I seen Predators yesterday, and I haft to say that it is worthy enough to be added into the Predator Franchise. ;D  It was just simply awesome in my opinion! I do have one question though. What kind of gun did Royce use in the film? ???






@ modprecar

Thanks! ;D



Whoever loves the Predator series will not be dissapointed with this movie! I hope they make more and soon! What Chris Nolan did for the Batman movies is what Robert and Nirod did for the Predator series! don't worry about the negative talk about this movie; most of the negative talk about this movie is coming from the real life version of Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons (aka Jeff Albertson) who thoght that the final issue of the comic Planetary was earthshattering awesome and they are also willing to say that Marvel makes great comics still! Guys do not be mislead by the haters of this movie! What Rick Rubin did for Metallica (MUSICALLY) in 2008 is what Robert Rodriguez and Nimrod Atal did for this series, I cant stress this enough! Also I am soooooo Relieved that the Rock or John Cena were in this movie and lets hope it stays that way. Also it is great to see the Predators as a different type of Yautja. Anyhow don't expect Avatar when going to see this movie cause Avatar sucked! I had so much fun seeing this movie and walked out wanting to sneak back in again. also I can't forget this THE SOUNDTRACK WAS SOOOOO GREAT! By the way did anything happen after the credits rolled?  Anyhow thats all I've got to say.



I meant to say I am glad the Rock and John Cena were not in this movie. Please forgive any mispelling. I still think Avatar sucked its just Ferngully meets the Smurfs


I must say therehas been alot of negative comments in the forum about this movie and they are not justified!
The movie was great and i thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish and wanted more.Every thing in the movie was far superior to AVP 1&2 the acting alone was not wooden at all and brody was great.Sombody made a stupid comment earlier about cuchillo saying"help me" afer he was shot well if they had been paying alot more attention to the movie they would realise hea was already dead when they found him and it was the predator that had sampled his voice and was the one doing the calling!!!! Fishburne was also great and played a fantastic part portraying a "f***** up soldier who had been stranded on the planet for some time and it had driven him mad.The effects were goos and the classic pred looked excellent.Dispite what others had said about the new black predators face after being unmasked too me it did not dissapoint at all.The ending left the film open to a sequal but i really do not think they should tell the story of Nolan move on!!!! Get royce and Isabella back teamed with the freshly dropped andn unfortunate new humans you see get dropped on the planet in the end!!!! It had a very different atmosphere to the other movies darker and more sinister in some way and seemed to be alot more serious with better characterisation better acting and a feeling of dispare as they are all trapped on this alien world with basically no hope.The fight scene with Hanzo was ok not as bad as others have said!!
All in all a great movie which both i and my Partner enjoyed if you havent seen it go and see it take it for what it is a vast emprovement oin the previous efforts which could have been so much better with better actors,better directors and sharper stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



i can't believe how bad it was. dang.

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