Predators Reviews Roundup

Started by Darkness, Jul 09, 2010, 10:38:13 PM

Predators Reviews Roundup (Read 21,091 times)



All the reviews for Predators have now been published on all the major websites and publications. The vast majority of reviews range from average to good. Here’s a selection of some of the reviews from around the net:

AvPGalaxy Review (4/5)
BlogOMatic3000 (2.5/5)
Bloody-Disgusting (4/5)
Chicago Sun-Times (2/4)
CinemaAutopsy (3/5)
CinemaBlend (3.5/5)
Collider (B) (7/10)
DenOfGeek (3/5)
DreadCentral (4/5)
Empire (3/5)
FanTheFireMagazine (3/5)
Film4 (3/5)
FilmShaft (4/5)

IGN UK (3.5/5)
JoBlo’s (8/10)
Mania (B+)
MSN (2/5)
New York Times (2/5)
NewsOfTheWorld (4/5)
ObsessedWithFilm (3/5)
PopCultureReviews (4.5/5)
RopeOfSilicon (C-)
ScreenOne (4/5)
Sky Movies (3/5)
TheViewBelfast (3/5)
Total  Film (3/5)
WatchDon’tWatch (4/5)

It currently holds a 66% Fresh rating on AvP Requiem finished with a 12% rotten rating.

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Predators deserves the reviews it's gotten, it's a very good film, i had a few problems with it, the main one being false advertising in trailer and all tv spots with targeting lasers on brody, bit i still enjoyed the hell out of it :D



Yeh it's a great film!

Let's hope for a RR sequel :)



its dropping and dropping on rotten tomatoes.  It will end up with 40's to low 50's



great film but is this bad or good??Oh yea who has seen it already did u see the alien head that was burning...



sequel, sequel, sequel, prequel, prequel, prequel  ;D



There are more mixed reviews everyday, up to the point where it just doesn't make sense anymore. It seems reviewers aren't giving any though on movies what-so ever rather posting there own feelings. Say screw the reviewers and think for your self that's why you have a head.



couldnt give a rats ass what ppl say, even tho reviews are good anyways. but screw then lot who think its poor-sh, Predators is a strong well built film, and cant wait for the nxt one.  :D  :D




I noticed the burning alien head too.  I was going to say something to my buddy next to me but though nahh  it couldnt have been.

Anyone have a pic of it so we can confirm  this?



Went to see the movie today with friends.

Overall a positive surprise, taking to account the previous AVP messes. However, to be judged as a serious film, like it's predecessor Predator, this movie has a loong way to go to be recognized as a real sequel.

First and foremost: A predator is not just about the 'look' of a certain species, as Stan Winston (RIP) created him/her, its about the perfection, the mentality of the character. The predator in Predator (1) single handedly destroyed a group of the most professional and capable warriors of their generation. They were all combat hardened MEN! And they DIED! This movie portrayed the predators as mere 'monsters' with very limited know how of the technology they were carrying. Goddamit! They were the inventors of technology that surpasses ours than they behave like they had the IQ of a retarded serial killer. They are superior species and to survive an encounter with them, you are either extremely lucky or Swarzenegger -type of ultimate survivor!

I also don't like missed shots by professionals, on both sides. You don't miss if you are called into a game as such.

This movie lacked the will to survive and it almost pays disrespect to the predators as the ultimate hunters.

Respects: I enjoyed it as entertainment. It borrowed elements and could create a scenario of it's own. It also expanded the universe, as it introduced new species, new level of threat to the canon. I liked the new running 'predator' dog species, although they seemed incapable as thinking, hunting species.

Sorry for the brag. There will be a new Cameron/ McTiernan someday. Until that day, enjoy what you are given.

One day, you will piss in your pants again.





did you not see that in Predator 1 the predator took most of the team out without them even knowing what they were up against!

In Predators they pretty quickly get to learn what they are up against = different outcome!



also like to add that i heard James Kings review on Radio 1 today and he gave it 3/5 stars saying that 'it's a good solid film with good acting, and a good story'

Salt The Fries

Salt The Fries

Roger Ebert who represents Chicago Sun Times uses 4 point scale, so it's 2/4, not 2/5.



For a film that RR kept saying is a reboot of the franchise and trying to be original it certainly kept reminding me of the original. thats the main problem with this film it seems to take everything that RR loved about the first film and put it in this one. not that this is a bad thing but very misleading... overall the film is no more than a 3/5 short and not very memorable action peices. ties itself to close to the first. everything felt underused. the film is fun and faithful. it just dosent take any risks what so ever.

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