Alternate Predators Teaser Trailer

Started by Darkness, Mar 20, 2010, 09:37:46 AM

Alternate Predators Teaser Trailer (Read 15,584 times)

Brian c

Brian c

But why would it say home planet if it isn't, do you get what im saying... so it must be on their homeworld that goes by game preserve kills.

Brian c

Brian c

That would make sense right?


@ Brian: I was always under the impression it was just a "wildlife preserve" much like parts of africa or india when europeans colonised them and hunted elephants, lions, tigers and so on.  The predator planet i imagine would be much hotter and harsher than that.



this trailer clerifies the 'oleg' death for sure, u litteraly see it stickin the wristblades into him, then thers the shot of it lifting him up in the air, luv it...cant wait for this!



Why does the unmasked predator have human like lips? That's BS.


i want to see what the super pred looks like it probible looks like arnold in a mask and a pred suit then he says GET TO THE CHOPPER haha epic :D



Its the same Trailer.

Gort Pred

Gort Pred

ok since this movie is ignoring all the AVP movies, this is still in the Predator 1 world, this movie is taking place on the Predator home world.

Brian c

Brian c

Gort pred you are right this is the predators homeworld


argh guys for the millionth time: it is not the predators homeworld!






Please listen to Hicks!

It is NOT the Predator-Homeworld... it is a hunting preserve that the preds have cultivated as a hunting ground... it's like their XBox if you want it like that... a planet for them to bring their prey and have fun with it...


Cheers Tangakkai, even RR himself has stated its not the preds homeworld.



Yes thats right, it's not the Predator homeworld it's a huntig reserve.  Its the same as we have africa and other hunting areas.  So just think of it as we have Africa but on a different planet.

As for the trailer i am very impressed as i can see that this movie has a very impressive atmosphere.  The characters arent made from cardboard like Avp2.  I realy like the ending as in the other trailers when you hear that high pitch sound followed by a new predator scream  Other people have commented saying the dont like how they have changed the sound of the predator, i for one dont find it so bad, after all some of the predators are a different species (BSP)as to what we saw in P.1 and P.2 and the Avp movies

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