No Arnie Cameo for Predators

Started by Darkness, Mar 19, 2010, 02:12:39 PM

No Arnie Cameo for Predators (Read 33,806 times)



I would have liked to see it to be honest.



I think its better that way ;)  , cause Predator 2 was also without Arnie and it was still a great movie. Predators has alltrough a really good cast with Adrian Brody and Laurence Fishburne. ;D



Arnold was apparently very about-spoken about the concrete jungle setting of Predator 2, the main reason he turned it down, as loads of people already confirmed anyway.  While it's also true he was asked about a second Teminator film, no script existed at the time, and he basically opted for what he thought was the safer option.



Roary, you need to induerstand how the industry works. 'Alien 3' and, especially, 'Alien Resurrection', both got good worldwide returns, but relatively poor sales in the US and Fox dealt with them, accordingly. Domestic sales are what matter to them. Besides... 'Predator 2' really wasn't all that great a film.



I understand perfectly well how the movie busines works thanks, and I still think Predator 2 was a great movie even without Arnold.  But that's beside the point, if he'd wanted to Anrold could have easily done both P2 and T2 since Predator 2 finshed shooting in early 1989 (April I think). while Terminator 2 was done filming in October 1990, that's the point I was trying to make anyways.



Yes, instead of sticking around, he done got to the choppa!

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