No Arnie Cameo for Predators

Started by Darkness, Mar 19, 2010, 02:12:39 PM

No Arnie Cameo for Predators (Read 33,762 times)



Well...if Arnold decided to come back the only place to fit in would be instead of Nolan. I could have been kinda hearth warming...that they sit at campfire and he tells how he killed a predator and got transported to this world. But whatever. Nolan will be just as good. :)




Gort Pred

Gort Pred

GOOOD! oh my god his cameo in the script was f**king horrible!

Space Marine

Space Marine

We need Arnie he killed a PREDATOR  that is just bad@$$ right their.Plus his awsome GET TO DA CHOPPER line



"Arnold turned down Predator 2 because he was filming Terminator 2! & after the disappointment of Predator 2, making Predator 3 was IMPOSSIBLE"

Bollocks on BOTH counts, why the hell do people still come here when CLEARLY they don't know what they're talking about!!  Firstly, Arnold NEVER turned down Predator 2 over Terminator 2  because the latter had't even started shooting, (like Predator 2 1990, Terminator 1992 DUUHHH) and how the hell can Predator 3 be impossible when, even depsite poor reception in US, it did very well at the box office across Europe, and UK especially.  Hell, I wont bother with the rest of your post LMAO.

Brian c

Brian c

Yes but predator 2 was 1 year before terminator 2. Arnold could of easliy signed up for predator 2, but instead went to terminator 2. I watched a dvd of predator 1 behind the seens and interviews, and one guy said Arnold didnt want to be the main star in predator 2 because he hated the fact that it was in a city instead of the jungle.

Brian c

Brian c

Sorry that was a two disk of the predator 2...yea so CLEARLY he turned down PREDATOR 2!



thanks god for that!!!

Arnie cameo = FAIL!!



Yes. I've heard about that. Arnold didn't like the idea of taking the next Predator into the city. Now we know better! Arnold turned down Predator 2 because he didn't like the sequels concept!



Yes. I've heard about that. Arnold didn't like the idea of taking the next Predator into the city. Now everyone here knows better! Arnold turned down Predator 2 because he didn't like the sequels concept!



@Hunter Yes! Now we know better! :)

@RoaryUK I agree with you. Don't bother with my posts, but I know you will read them. =P
Schwarzenegger declined Predator 2 and decided instead to sign on for another sequel, Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Which was released on July 3, 1991, which MEANS that the timeline of filming Terminator 2 was between 1990-1991. (DUUHHH!)  =P
& when I meant Predator 3 was impossible I meant that there wasn't a good script/idea for Predator 3. (Another DUUHHH!) XD

I'm really hoping that this Predators will be good. (fingers crossed!)




I read the first draft of the script, and if his cameo was supposed to be anything like that, then we are all lucky to not have the Governator in this movie. Its a cool idea... but I've grown a distaste for Arnie ever since he started running my home state... Get him out of California and keep him out of this movie!!



if there was a cameo of Schwarzenegger in this movie, I'd just want to see an accurate reproduction of his skull and spine in a trophy case, that's all.



The cameo he wrote in the leaked script was very very lame. I'm so glad Arnold declined. The cameo occurs at the end... and makes literally NO sense at all. He's supposed to be the 'leader' of another tribe!!!



If he did do it it would of ruined the movie, a cameo like that sucks. it's not like starsky and hutch (comedy)
and at least his part in terminator 4 was justifiyed

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