First Predators Movie Footage!!!

Started by Darkness, Mar 13, 2010, 07:15:03 AM

First Predators Movie Footage!!! (Read 26,878 times)



Maybe they will show the homworld in predator 4. Now come give me HUGGIES!!



Toward the end of the trailer when the predator roars not the original one tied up the other predator with the skull and spine in his hand and the body below him..which predator is that cuz i know its not the falcon predator cuz if you notice he doesnt have a shoulder cannon..Its the Dog Walker rigt??



Dogs, Falcons, a new "super predator"?  
this isn't a videogame.

STan Winston is rolling over in his grave now.....James Cameron is laughing :'(


wtf?! they did this behind the scenes crap w/ AVP and AVPR to get all the fans hyped up and go WASTe 8.00 dollars of their hard earned money at the theater opening day (giving the studio 30 mill there).  And then, they release it on DVD and make Millions there, and international theaters and DVDs ( and we all know how crazy foreign films are) and Walla!

you have a shitty f**king movie RAPING CLASSICS CHARACTERS (ie predators) and  supply bad filmmakers.





spawningcarnage u need to get over it u aint no director and ur lil kiddy name says it all...quit bitchin cuz you know your gonna see it anyway..find sum other page to complain on..

The Realist

The Realist

With all due respect to the good guys on this board who wanted to withhold judgement until a trailer or some footage of the movie was shown. Now that RR has given us his sneek peek of "Predators", I think it is safe to say that there will be no saving this movie. There are just too many things wrong with it. I don't even think I can count all of them, but I will try.

1) Adrien Brody does not look badass as Royce. The scene where he is all dirty and his back is to the camera gives us a good view of his spindly little arms. Its utterly laughable how some people were thinking he could pull of the role of a mercenary.

2) The Predators look like crap. None of them are wearing any netting. Their tusks are protruding from their helmets. The helmets themselves are oversized.

3) The design/look of the Predator hunting dogs is nonsensical. Are those antlers? WTF. I thought antlers on a dog was stupid looking when I saw them on the Grinch's dog.

4)Laurence Fishburne is fat. How does he sustain that much weight while in captivity on a predator game reserve? The only way he could have gotten the predator gear he is wearing is if the predator chasing him died of a heart attack laughing!!

5)One of the predators has a long metal blade that prodrudes from his wrist mount. It is completely impractical for a blade that long to be used as a clawing weapon. Thats one of the things I hated about the AVP predators. There is no reason why their blades need to shoot out that far. It's ridiculous!!

6) Worst of all, there is a rumor going around on the message boards that says that this movie will be PG-13. RR, Say it ain't so! The least that douchebag and his Hungarian numbskull director can do is give us an R-Rated movie.

I am completely disheartened by the SXSW footage. I wanted to believe that RR would reinvigorate this movie franchise with some fresh new talent, and take it in a bold new direction. I just don't see how that will be possible now.

Someone should have listened to Frenchy Pred and killed RR before he killed Predator.

FATHER!! The Sleeper Has Awakened!!!



They've said countless times that the movie is going to have an R rating -- they just might have to trim a few of the gorier parts out for the DVD. Read all of the interviews and reports from SXSW. Rodriguez fully intended this movie to carry the R rating and as a "sequel to PREDATOR," there's no way in HELL it'd get a PG-13.



why do people complain about stuff they havent seen yet..almost every fan is excited but a few people..kidna funny that they know how the movies is going to turn out..cuz 1 ur stupid 2 ur arrogant 3 your not real 4 ur probably fat 5 you sound rediculous and 6 its rated R u slow bus...



The realalist you have no clue what the he'll you are talking about. Are you new to this franchise ??? Sounds like you are.....



No. Not a director yet; just a professional storyboard artist;)



to the realist, I have to agree with just about all of your points, however I still will watch and buy anything predator.  The pics released earlier made the predator heads look even bigger, and I was getting nervous.  This does look like a decent movie.  Lets just face it, they will never make a predator movie that can stand alone beside the original.  Just as the new star wars movies with all their better technology just cant compare to the first three.  I was hoping that Lawrence Fishburne would change his appearence somewhat, like with dreds and a beard,  how does he keep clean shaven like that and short hair since the vietnam era?!!   I'm just glad it looks better than I thought it would and the critics are already saying it looks great instead of saying we didnt need this movie!



This movie is going to be AWESOME!!!! Can't wait to see the trailer tomorrow!!! West Side Gummy Bears!!!!


@realist: you sound like you know your yautja mate, dont you think that predator dog thing resembles the create from avatar? And i was mighty pissed off with the long blades too i gotta say

The Realist

The Realist


Yeah your very right there, they have seemed to have copyed an idea on the looks of the predator dog, because there are giant similaritys with the avatar Viper Wolf >>>

You may as well throw the yautja some medieval swords, there blades are getting that long, imagine when the next film comes out called Predators 2, the predators will be walking around like there on crutches, because there blades will be that long!


I just think that having read the pred comics and avp comics in the omnibus forms recently that we are gonna be shafted royally when this movie comes out because we hear the word "predator" movie in the works, and they turn out to be disappointments ala AvP and AvPR so just either wait for reviews to pop up or dont even bother seeing it.  May as well watch a fan film instead.

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