Walton Goggins Battles Predators

Started by Darkness, Mar 09, 2010, 06:07:08 PM

Walton Goggins Battles Predators (Read 6,600 times)



MovieWeb managed to interview actor Walton Goggins about his part in the upcoming Predators movie. There’s no new information really, just why the audience will like the movie when they see it.

We went on to ask the actor just what fans of the original movie can  expect and why he thinks they will love this new version. “I think that  you’re going to get to see a combination of classic Predators with a  modern twist told by very, very competent filmmakers,” the actor stated.  “I think that the images in this movie are going to rival any other  movie in its genre for quite some time,” he proclaimed.

While those are  pretty high expectations for the film, Goggins did agree that the movie  features a very talented group of accomplished actors and filmmakers.  “Absolutely, it was extraordinary. It really was extraordinary. I think  the thing that I’m most excited about is our lack of someone that is  really big,” explained Goggins. “We’re all regular guys. Except … we  do have Oleg Taktarov (Righteous  Kill) and he will tell you how big he is, multiple times,” joked  the actor. “But for the most part we are all average builds and I think  that gives people an opportunity to see themselves in this movie. At the  end of the day I think the thing that I’m most excited about is it’s  not just an action movie but it’s a movie about these characters that  hopefully you will grow to love over the course of the story.”

Thanks to Maxwell for the news.

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Nice little interview,

 "I think that the images in this movie are going to rival any other movie in its genre for quite some time,"

I hope he's right, I'm looking forward to spectacular Predators.   ;D  

The Son of Paragus

That's what they alllllll said for AVP Requim and look what that turned into, after AVP2 im not sure what to expect.


i still want a trailer...   ???  



Trailer in 3 days ;)



Shane Vendrell ftw !!



@Tim Says who?



Agreed that all the previous let downs have all said they're going to 'give the fans what they want, go back to the films roots etc' and AvP & AvP:R were jokes...

Sounds interesting though - looking forward to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I meant they are showing the video at the festival which most likely is like a trailer and will be uploaded to YouTube on the 12th by someone


Yeah, this does nothing for me.  Most actors and directors say this stuff, all the time, and most of the time, it turns out to be a piece of shit.  you could cut and paste this interview to multiple interviews about any film, and it would fit into that context.  Until I see it.....I'm on the fence.



Yeah, they fluff it to promote the movie, give a hand job to the director, etc. I've never heard an actor of one of these movies slam it or say any thing remotely negative in an interview before the film's release.. ever. I'm sure they're pumped up and loving the "experience" that being in this movie provides, but you really have no idea how this will stand up to the previous films until it's released.



Just release the movie and stop messin around



trailer nao dammit!



@ cabbageheat  

Well, Bill Murray is trying to demolish Ghostbusters 3 and they still have to start filming it, but I think it's just hype...

But I agree, it's the standard printed interview for a movie, after the first trailer I'll have a clearer image of this, but we'll have to wait for the actual movie to judge...



alice braga has some good things to say about the cast in a new interview on 'shocktillyoudrop' s' site

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