First Look at Predators Concept Art

Started by Corporal Hicks, Mar 03, 2010, 05:56:15 PM

First Look at Predators Concept Art (Read 10,395 times)

Corporal Hicks

In the latest issue of Empire, they’ve done a feature on Robert Rodriguez’s production company, Trouble Maker Studios. In that article was a little picture of a Trouble Maker employee behind a wall of Predators concept art:

I was able to get my hands on a copy to scan for you. Click on the picture for a bigger copy. Thanks to jaztermareal for the heads up.

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awsum, hope they fetch a book out with all the artwork in :D



Cool job...Lucky ass!


You can kind of see a pred w a dog on a leash over the guys left shoulder. Cool!!



Poor concept art.. really poor in fact. Has anyone read the script or the press release for this film? It is the exact same story as the original Predator.



I would like to see a Big Ass Combistick like the one from PREDATOR2 not this AVP toothpick and Naginata too.

Gort Pred

Gort Pred

The concepts look cool


I really am concerned that by now theres not even a teaser trailer.  Even AvP had one at least a year before its release so why not this one? I think the answers obvious.



Right on the spot where we should be able to see the Pred-dog there's a big blur of light... figures.

Thanks for uploading though, much appreciated!


whatever. looks really weak to me.



I really do not understand all the negative reactions. You can hardly see the concepts and stuff, but you can already cry it is shitty. man, I am so sick of all the hate against this movie. If all you haters are so negative about everything in your life, then I really feel sorry for you.

I am optimistic about this movie and I am so going to see this movie, no matter what shit has been leaked... I am a fan of predator and I am so glad to see another moive coming out soon. You all should be thankful that RR and Antal are trying to keep this franchise alive!



I am optimistic about this film aswell, but you can't argue the concept art shown in the background looks poor, something drawn in the back of a teenagers maths book poor. Especially the Hanzo character. Hopefully there's better concept art we haven't seen yet, and the art doesn't reflect the final outcome of the film. My judgement will be on the final product i.e trailer and film.



to Anonymous: I can argue on thing for sure only idiots judge art from a 1"x1" photograph, scanned from a 4 color process print magazine. Let adults talk, you go and play with the Barbies now. I am going to hold my critique for the art and the movie when I will see something a bit more tangible than a poor scan...



@yourPFL: nice saying!  that is what I am going to do either. So sick of the crying of every single detail that has been leaked yet. ohh the preds don't wear net, ohh the concepts look poor, ohh adrien brody... meh meh meh. everything gets torn apart. wtf is wrong with you people?

Gort Pred

Gort Pred

RegularJohn, the only reason why ppl are negative is because ppl read the script. We already know the outcome basicly

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