Predators Filming at Lake Gorge

Started by Darkness, Nov 24, 2009, 07:01:10 PM

Predators Filming at Lake Gorge (Read 11,555 times)

Gort Pred

Gort Pred

This probably is the scene when they meet Nolan, a character that doesn't have to be in this movie  spoiler alert for those who don't want to hear  the f**king idiot who was able to hide from the f**king "super predators" since Vietnam f**king gets caught so easily and gets his head blown the f**k up. Maybe it would be better if this movie was not f**king told to us like were all stupid. Keep some god damn mystery like the first one did for f**k sake!!



@ Spoon: mate are you a teeny bopper? because seriously, you sound like you are and you haven't seen the original Predator or Predator 2.  The original pred movie shits all over AvP 1 and 2.   @Gort: well the internet kinda spreads things around like a cancer so you can either chose not to read things about said movie or go live in a cave, on mars, with your fingers in your ears.

Walter Sullivan

Walter Sullivan

Nice    ;D  



f**k, the script must be real, that kind of location is in pissed off!!!   >:(     >:(     >:(     >:(     >:(  



The script must be close to the real thing. They have to have an opening for the cave scene.



how intriguing...



Why aren't there any production-stills floating about? I remember when they were shooting Lord of the Rings, and as soon as they were filming outdoors pictures popped up everywhere...  I still need some consolation about the pred looks...



It doesnt really matter where they shoot the film because the script is crap.  There is literally no story OR lead character....  "look at me everyone, im Royce;I have no dialogue in the movie" (said in a Ben Stiller voice)



Yeah I agree with Deco, what surprises me is while AvPR was shooting we had ourselves a few piccies of the alien and pred so why nothing here? Sounds to me like when AvP first came out and didnt have a test screening because god i cant even utter his name, knew it was a steaming pile of elephant shit.


Looks like quite an interesting location. With the jungle and rocky areas together along with who knows what else still to come the layout of the planet looks to be promising.



@ Cellien: Watch out! There are a predators hunt close to you. Lucky you!






In the world of this ridiculous script - if they wanted to include Dutch it would have made sense (in the senselessness of the story) for him to be the Nolan character... I wouldnt be surprised if this is the case and the script was leaked to throw people off.... Its still a terrible script though. Black Super predators with mutated faces? Lets just call the film 'Monsters'. You know what else gets under my skin? The way they are calling it 'Predators' - as a nod to Camerons 'Aliens'....? Dont get me wrong, Predators is not a bad name - but why a nod to Aliens????? Anyone??? Anyone at all??? Rodrigorousbullshit he should be called.... Same thing over and over again.... STOP TRYING TO REPLICATE AND BE INNOVATIVE



Well to be honest they should just do the comic books, Aliens Earth War or Genocide would be awesome!

predator bounty hunter

predator bounty hunter

Royce is the good men.But why the predator go to kill him?   ???  

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