Nimród Antal Talks Predators

Started by Darkness, Nov 29, 2009, 08:56:39 PM

Nimród Antal Talks Predators (Read 15,139 times)



il hold my opinion untill the movie comes out. besides some of us have to stop thinking that is going to be better then the original (witch some people think) were theres no way for that to happen,BUT i do hope it will better then the AVP garbage we got feed 2x.besides RR know what he wants in hes films even dough hes producing it but hey  lets see what nimrod bring to us..

daniel clavette

daniel clavette

Nimrod is great director and new predator movies will be amazing and it will reborn  predator solo movies to a new levels that is neven be taken .



Ever since Stan Winston doesn't do the predators any more I rather see them done on CGI



Hard to judge a movie by it's R-rating alone. Gory scenes are expected in Predator films, but the plot and characters has to be convincing and involving.



Yeah R rating was going to had for AvPR as well and well, i was cheated.



I had a lot of faith in the Brothers Strause since they are genuinely fans of the franchise which leads me to side with some of the sentiment here that it's time to get a quality director as opposed to giving all of these relative no-names a shot with some of sci-fi's most beloved franchises.  I've always preferred Predator to Aliens, but I feel that in this case the Alien franchise is going in the right direction with Ridley Scott at the helm.



Thank god they will be using actual costumes for the Predators instead of CGI.  Stan Winston would be happy to hear that.  I think CGI films make me feel like I'm watching a fancy video game.  And thats where CGI should stay, in video games.  Artists who make all the sculptures and effects really have a gift that should be used.

shred predator

shred predator

THANK YOU JRZNIN!!!!!! I agree!



Couldn't agree with you more JEVjnd.



I wonder if Alan Silvestri gonna be compose fo da movie.

predator bounty hunter

predator bounty hunter

Thanks you nimrod. You are the bests!!!! Yahoooo!!!!!   ;D     ;D     ;D     ;D  



God, you people can't spell! Or you're too damm lazy, either way you all seem like chavs.  Something tells me this movie wil suck. Where the hell are the leaked screen shots, it must have been filmed by now, surely??


I totally agree with SHREK about the script to Predators. It is total bullshit. Since fox pretty much f**ked up the franchise by doing the really crappy AVP movies and getting Robert Rodriguez who's script was terrible I repeat terrible. Who wants to see the Predators using humans as slaves? I dont I want a Predator to be back on Earth hunting big game or introduce a rogue predator. I wouldnt see this movie no f**king way. I am a big fan of Predator but I dont see it. I also want to say that I really hate the cast of Predators especially the dork Adrain Brody who I hated in King Kong remake!

Steve C

Steve C

As far as I'm concerned, this movie is not really happening.  I simply don't acknowledge its existence anymore.



This movie success hinges on the story, heavily. The script sounds suspect, but if done correctly, maybe it'll be better than we all expect. At the moment, i'm just going off faith as i'm doing with the Alien prequel.

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