Adrien Brody on the Set of Predators

Started by Darkness, Oct 15, 2009, 07:32:14 PM

Adrien Brody on the Set of Predators (Read 17,028 times)





I'v been thinking, maybe Brody's charicter is swif, agile & sneeky, but its Predator were talking about they'll deffinatly see him & brake him or the ending could be differant, the Predators could win ?



Shit man!

daniel clavette

daniel clavette

That is truly cool pics.

stealth bunny

I've never thought of predator being a happy ending anyway, Dutch looks like a broken on the chopper at the end after losing all of his team, so maybe no one will get off the predator home planet anyway, I think the casting choices show the film is being taken seriously rather than putting nobodys in it,we need good human characters as well as winston style predators. I think the outlook is very good.



Pee Wee Herman and Eric Foreman will surely kill ev ery single Predator on their HomeWorld....  Who knows, maybe this is like a Baptism for a 9 month old Predator that has to kill prey like this, and when they reach their teens that's when they go kill real men and Aliens??  Just trying to make sense of this   :-\  


Correct me if im wrong but in the AvP comics, the first ones, Machiko Naguchi was an ass kicking karate or kung fu chick right? I mean, she was fighting with and alongside the preds and she didnt look like she could handle herself but she did.  Maybe thats the angle the people are taking here with Adrien but who knows aye



we need some news for the ALien fans!


Spam from hundreds of new members iminent...    :D  

mr magoo

mr magoo

Yeah to be honest I still cant see him as a killer, just not evil enough  well he might just have to act then seen as tho hes an actor  and last thing i knew john wayne gacy was a  fat man who was involved in the community who no one would suspect being a serial killer the list goes on for true killers who,d put mucle bound men to shame   o i forgot all killers a ripped and have a scar or somthing well when i look at the armed forces of any country i see people like adrien brody all over


But the story is about Predators picking up TOUGH guys for a special hunt, I think.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. *eh hem* YOU ARE A BUNCH OF WHINEY BABIES! I'm telling you, I'd pick a great actor over John Cena ANY DAY! And he bulked a whole lot for this role. How often do guys in the military actually look like Arnold. In all reality, not many. So quit whining.   ::)  



I hope you all know that Adrien Brody is going to look the same as he did in King King, just generaly ANNOYING



Derek Mears officially in Predators.


Hey JordanLee, how often do organisms in the universe look like Predators?  In all reality, they don't exist! Like I said, Preds want guys that look like Arnie.

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