Chris P You are wrong, go back and watch the movie again. The character Billy, does die. After Dutch is the only character still fighting for life, it goes to a scene where the predator throws Billy down on a tree and then pulls out his spine and skull, making a trophy. The concept of having Arnold in this movie is dumb to me. If they do not have any thing to do with the second predator movie and just run straight off the first and completely ignore the second, then it will work. If you watch the second predator, Gary Buseys character tells Glovers character that Dutch who had the first experience with a predator in the jungle, died just weeks after his encounter with the predator. Lets hope that this one will wipe the second predator and all other predator movies other than the first off the face of the planet. MORE GORE, MORE BLOOD, MORE KILLING, I WANT AN M RATING DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!