First Look at Predators Script!

Started by Darkness, Sep 28, 2009, 07:18:42 PM

First Look at Predators Script! (Read 20,756 times)



I liked AvP-R, for one, and I don't care what anyone says.   This is an improvement over Rodriguez's original script, however, I'm still going to reserve judgement on things until I see photos, trailer, and the film itself.



I'm indifferent on this film. I will remain that way until I see it. If it's good, I'll be thrilled. If not, I can't say I wasn't expecting it. Niether franchise has had a good film made in over 15 years.


Super Predators? I don't think so.

Mr. Weyland

This story sounds like shit, super preds, pred dogs and birds, parachuting mercenaries some how on the predator's home world, arnie some how is in it?  I'd rather see AVP 3 by the Strause bros.



Mr Weyland,   I totally understand your concerns, and share a few of them as well. So you are really not alone there.

Brian c

Brian c

Rakai and weyland why dont you just give it a chance.



Brian C,  I said I am reserving judgement. The only thing which I can appraise is that they're not using Rodriguez's original draft. Thats it. Thats all I am saying.   I don't like that it's ignoring Predator 2, AvP, and AvP-R. Of course, thats just me, so I'm willing to say for cotinuity sake that this film is set in an alternate universe or that it's just an alternate cotinuity.   I don't like the idea of the Predator dogs and falcons. Those are lame.   Everything else, I'm waiting reserve on judgement.



I think the predator dogs are most likely aliens, which sounds pretty bad ass to me    ;D    As for the falcons, why the hell not? What's so wrong with seeing species indigenous to the planet?  As for the parachuting, it sounds like a semi-safe way to drop the humans into random locations on the planet, not them actually parachuting down of their own free will.



Where did you guys read that they're ignoring Predator 2?  Maybe I missed it... but Predator 2 was awesome in it's own right, and an absolute masterpiece compared to both AvP's :D.



Sound to similar to Predator 1



Remember when Alien  3 came out and had the dogburster? That worked because hey, itd be pretty damn freaky having a dog alien chase you till it eated you up.  As for the Pred dogs: didnt the planet in the original AvP comic (1989) have all sorts of creatures that had the pred mandibles?  Like a huge ass snake, some birds, and even the monkeys looked weird.  Not Ryushi but the seeded planet for the hunts.



I think "Super Predator" is just a placeholder name to help distinguish them from regular Predators. Personally, I think these Super Predators are older Predators that have retired from travelling the galaxy to hunt. Instead, they bring the hunt to them. It's like this alien planet is their version of Florida.



Also, so far I don't see anything that would contradict the events of Predator 2 or AVP & AVP-R for that matter. I don't think Rodriguez's goal is to completely ignore the other Predator movies, but to make Predators such a kick-ass movie that people (the general audience) would want to forget the rest. That's how I interpreted Rodriguez's statement a while back.



Yah, who the hell said they were ignoring Predator 2, and both AVPs? Did someone just pull that out of their ass? How exactly are they ignoring those movies by having a story unrelated to them? Not all sequels start by saying "Previously in...". Doesn't anybody watch horror movies? I swear, some people...cripes!    >:(  



Looks promising, but it's too early to celebrate.

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