Predators to Start Filming Sept. 28

Started by Darkness, Aug 14, 2009, 05:08:39 PM

Predators to Start Filming Sept. 28 (Read 13,979 times)



How old are you guys. Because you  dont seem to know a lot about sci fi movies.I Mean you dont know that "Alien Nation" was a movie. it was  first a movie then a series and Stan Winston worked on it


this is going to be absolutly an over the top movie. And will not fill the Predator guidlines, and it will most deffintly not feel like a Predator movie. Im so dissipointed



You people should not put a comment saying this movie will bomb. You got no shit clue yet about anything of this movie. There is no cast yet and they start filming next month. U have absolutley zero clue how this movie will be. If its a bomb, then there is garantee no more avp, alien and predator movies till 2020. Untill July 7, 2010 nobody should say this will bomb if it still looks like it will by news.



You guys have to stop this shit bout judging a movie before the release. Just dont go c a new predator movie. have it be a boxoffice bomb and fox will not make anymore. That easy.



Cannon this goes 4 u.



that easyyyyy!!



Well, the Mythbusters proved that you CAN, indeed, shine shit, so I guess we can't say for sure, based on the horrendous start, until D-Day arrives... But at least most of us would be pleasantly surprised if it turned out opposite of most logical expectations at this point (that is, if it actually turns out half way decent).


I hope they would cast Adam Baldwin as Carver I thought he's was great on Firefly,An underest imated ????????   ;D  

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