Predators to Start Filming Sept. 28

Started by Darkness, Aug 14, 2009, 05:08:39 PM

Predators to Start Filming Sept. 28 (Read 13,984 times)

Ash 937

They were suppose to go to the Alien home world in Alien3.  Instead they went to Fury 161.  The people that hate on this movie will be Alien franchise fans that are just pissed off that Alien3 didn't do what Predators in doing.



i doubt it will be better than avp2 (or maybe p2) because a real director makes the movie not 2 who the hell...your problem guys is you dont know anybody besides spilberg, scott and cameron...


We've deserved a good movie for the last 10 yrs, more than 10 even.



The only real problem I can see with the PREDATORS movie is the script! I mean it's meant to be a reboot of the series right? Well that's fair enough look at how Batman did, however the idea for the story being set around the same time as PREDATOR and having referrences to it, with refugess on the Yautja homeworld? Seriously that is just asking for a bad movie in my opinon. This is also the first major film that Rodriguez will be writing so it will either make him or break him and considering the current acknowledgement people have of the Yautja race is with that of the Xenomorphs. So in the eyes of most jurnalists I'd probably say the film we be poorly rated. I just hope for everyone's sake that we don't end up with an Alien Ressurection and AvP1 repeat    :-[   (I like AvPR so I'm not going to consider that a bad sequal to the series)

dakk marr

Unlike most - I like all the Alien, Predator and both AVP films. While granted some are superior to others, the fact remains that until 20th Century Fox is willing to give the film a decent $100 million plus budget, it won't matter who produces it - it'll still look dodgy!  Considering the recent excellent reboots of Batman and the Star Trek franchises - maybe Fox should get their act together and cough up some serious money! Rodriguez previous films are OK ge bags the AVP movies - so let's see If he up to it all full of it - I'll wait and see?!



You cant say its going to be bad cause you think the script is bad....if you read the A:R script from start to finish, you would very likely agree that it seems like it would make a fine film....  anyway, why do people keep saying they 'deserve' a good film? have you done anything except bitch in the last 10 years? ^^


I think Rod & co don't know how to capture the essence of the Predator, they will go with full action scenes and one dimensional human characters. Bet we will not get the suspense  Shooting in a studio is aweful too, these movies need a realistic setting  And who's going to do the music? Alan Silvestri was awesome with both soundtracks...


Hicks, that concept has acutally been done before - 'Alien Nation'. :)


Me or the other Hicks? I've heard of Alien Nation but wasn't it a tv series and not a movie?



Yes xan21 Alan Silvestri soundtrack was fantastic, they should stick with him or use the predator theme. Its imperative they use Silvestri for this. Also alien nation was a film with james cann back in the 90s. Wasn`t that good though. I cant wait for Predators, counting down the days.



I can wait.


On an alien planet full of predators where there are unspeakable horrors, such as humans actually having something the predators would trade for, because as a superior race they are unable to take it from us with force...assuming the story sticks to that thing called a script we saw a couple months ago


It was both. A film which was spun-off into a show.


just read the script Its honestly not even worth talkin bout. I think ima just stick to reading predator and the games cause i just gave up on the movies.




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