New Robert Rodriguez Interview

Started by Darkness, Jul 08, 2009, 07:34:22 PM

New Robert Rodriguez Interview (Read 17,718 times)



The predators I have percieved have had a pack mentality.  A lone hunter like in one and two work awesome.  But if there is a group I better damn well see some hierarchy and chain of leadership. And it better be damn competitive amongst the predators for choice kills, gear and weapons... check out the orginal AvP prey comic, and you'll know what I mean.



@TheAncientEnemy: agreed mate, you hit the nail on the head right there



What do you think marshall's fee would have been for doing this movie? and what is nimrod's fee?  nimrod's obviously must of been cheaper seeing has he got this gig and not good ol' marshall.

daniel clavette

daniel clavette

That is truly cool that robert rodriguez is new interview and i cant, wait to see predator planet in new predtors movies.


Numble, you should read Hicks' review of the script, then you'd know.   :)  



Low budget = phail.



hey, why don't they con't AVP? If pred have such a cool Tech, they must have a defense structure,,like army/soldier..predator Comando..must be cool.. they come to clean the mess on the earth.. Make the comando team in 4 guys with cool stuff of tech..   >:D  



This movie is gonna blow. Period. Ever since they brought the AVP series to movies all there has been is disappointment after disappointment. Sorry, but this movie shows all the making of a complete failure and disgrace to the legend of Predator.

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