New Robert Rodriguez Interview

Started by Darkness, Jul 08, 2009, 07:34:22 PM

New Robert Rodriguez Interview (Read 17,737 times)


Im have really low expectations for this movie so i should be pleasantly surprised if it doesn't suck as bad as i think it will.  im not gonna make the same mistake i made with AVP and AVPR.



I too have low expectations for this movie, everything we have heard so far is not looking good. The script, budget, director.   There's no point saying lets wait and see because we kno what happens when we do that 'AVP' and 'AVPR'.  I agree with what TheAncientEnemy said on an earlier comment, ''you vote with your wallet, not your opinions''  They won't listen to us, just our hard earned cash! give fox our money and they will churn out another terrible film, which we will bitch about on here lol



what I fear is LOW BUDGET=BAAAAD ACTORS I bet we will have TV series actors and no big name. This is the weakest point of AVP and AVPR



"i have low expectations for this movie, winge whine, blah blah"  How the f**k can any of you tell yet?! script, director and setting....god, you cant tell if its going to suck yet. So avp and avpr did, you still cant tell.



@ abbath:  the weakest point of avpr was the plot -.-


Nimble, the annoyance is not without cause. Go and check the screenplay this will revolve around, which has been in the public domain for quite some while. It's linked on many articles in here.  When you read it? Then you'll know why so many of us are disappointed about this.



@Xeno  Ive read it....and i dont see any particular problem with it. Also keep in mind when it was written.



Anyone who likes the screenplay should be shot. It's not realistic, completely crap and if anyone thinks it's going to be good you need your head examined.



I agree with "andypredator25" new pred movie!!! WHOOO!!!    ;D  

Well Then.

Well Then.

And so comes the end of the Predator franchise. Part of me hopes that Alien Five fairs better, but I doubt it.

Mr. Domino

Mr. Domino

Wow. I'm remembering why I don't read these comments real often.



  :-\   you already say it sucks but youll go in theater and youll watch it actually...dont GO then they will not make anymore (shit) predator movie, thats what you have to do because they WONT make a movie that is up to ANYONE expectation...   :-*  



PREDATORS Your suffering will be LEGENDARY! Even in hell....     :D  



i dont even understand why you guys get upset when they make shit films. they dont 'ruin' your childhood or your favourite franchise, you dont even have to acknoledge the new films. why not just say 'oh well' and carry on with your lives??


Slaine, Very true. The problem is that, whether we like it or not, images get tarnished when they start to get lame. KISS was pretty awesome when they were fresh and new. However, being too young to know the band in its heyday, I just see them as bloated, goofy old guys in clown makeup that they are today.  The same thing happens with movies. A 17 year old kid right now might have no idea what Alien was but he damn sure knows what Alien Vs. Predator is. Worse yet, he may have LIKED it.  For me, at least, it's not so much ruining my childhood favorite or anything like that. It's just the lack of respect for good art that angers me. People don't understand that these movies were successful because they meant something and because they were passionately different films. The re-marketing of great films as low-quality, modern teenage bullshit is offensive to me not just as a fan but as an artist and a thinking human being. Great art is no longer celebrated in the mainstream and it's just a real shame.

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