New Robert Rodriguez Interview

Started by Darkness, Jul 08, 2009, 07:34:22 PM

New Robert Rodriguez Interview (Read 17,737 times)



They really shouldnt make this movie... It always comes back to the original script treatment and that is what is going to happen here - we are going to get something very near to what we have seen..... which was sheer trash - Predators talking to humans!? Predators trading their weaponry for human captives. CHRIST IS THERE NO-ONE MORE CREATIVE IN THE WORLD!! Ive created something but hell, what are the chances of that happening



All most of you people do is bitche* bitch* like lil fuc*in gurls. Lets wait and see and i doubt its gonna be dark and cheap like AVPR cuz they didnt no what they were doing and he has a different directing style. U bitche about it but i bet you pay money to see it!!!!



@DontMatter: we bitch because we don't deserve crap that Fox has been serving us the last couple of years.  That is why were so harsh of the new "Predators" movie.



idk i think if they put it in a jungle world instead of a barren world it could be koo i mean come on evan if they dnt take it out of texas it still mite be koo. would u rather it be in gunnison? n i liv in colorado n gunnison dnt look nuin lik dat



Well, there goes any hope for that movie

Falcon Predator

I don't care i just care theres a new predator movie yes!!   :D  



This movie is going to be the Alien:Resurrection of the Predator franchise.  The most awful piece of horrifying bowel marinated bullshit ever used to kill a great creature.



When Rodriguez mentioned the story being crazy, somehow I don't see that ending up being in a good way. Well if the old script is anything to go by.



@ AndyPredator25 f**king A man!


If Roriguez's style carries over into this movie then we can very much expect it to be as silly as Predator 2 and not nearly as serious or realistic as Predator.  Personally, I like his over-the-top stuff, but I don't think it's a good fit for the series (by "series" I think I am just referring to the original). Kind of like Jean Pierre-Jeunet... I've always loved his crazy gadgets combined with tongue-in-cheek European silliness, but he was definitely not right for the Alien series.  I really have no reason to think that this movie won't be awful but I also have no reason to think it won't be successful. People pretend to be pissed at Fox for "killing their fan base" but they end up right in line for the next movie. You can be as mad as you want but as far as Fox is concerned you vote with your wallet, not your opinions.



It's  cool that it wont take place on Earth, but why don't the director take it to a remote hunting planet. I don't want to see the homeplanet and I'am sure that there are other fans who thinks the same.The whole mysticsm that surrounded the Predtaor is going to get los because of this. The creature will end up like another washed up B movie alien.

Verl PoP 44

Verl PoP 44

lol why do you people say youve been given crap the past few years? you havent 'been' through anything, youve been dissapointed because a film turned out bad. theres no reason you cant go on liking a film if the following films are shit....newcomers to the franchises will think them shit, but why do you all care so much? and none of you can tell weather this film will be good or bad, your complaining does nothing, even if this movie is complete rubbish, whatcha gonna do?


C'mon y'all have to admit that this movie could be interesting. Even though I knew that AVP:R was gonna suck, I still went to the movie to see my favorite movie creatures on the big screen again. Regardless of the fact it sucked, I still watched it because I had an interest in seeing it. I wasn't pleased, but then again, the Bros. Don't seem to be as attentive to canonical details as we are. They haven't made the movie yet, and I think Robert Rodriguez should get a profile here, and ask what the real fans would like to see, rather than college students who are bored on a Friday night and need something to do.



I'm cautiously optimistic.  I really can't say anything positive or negative until we see some actual footage, either of the sets or a trailer.  Sweet, delicious trailer.



Also, sorry for double-posting.  I think when they mean "Predator planet" they mean a hunting planet, not the actual homebase for the Predator species.  With that in mind, they can either take hints from "Hunter's Planet" or "Forever Midnight".  I seriously doubt on the latter.  I think everyone and their grandma knows the goof ups in that /lovely/ story.  And if it all turns out to be crap in the end, that's what torrents are for. :D  As someone said: you voice your opinion with your wallet, not some text on the interwebs.

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