New Robert Rodriguez Interview

Started by Darkness, Jul 08, 2009, 07:34:22 PM

New Robert Rodriguez Interview (Read 17,738 times)



There’s a new interview with Robert Rodriguez about the new Predators movie over on LA Times. He talks about how he was approached for the movie and about spending money. By the sounds of it, Predators won’t have a huge budget. He also says they’re scouting for locations to shoot in Texas at the moment.

“The story is on the Predator planet and, well, it's just crazy. It takes place off-world which is great, and there's a lot of them out there.” And what about the prey? “Let’s just say if there were no predators, the humans in this story would probably kill each other.”

“It'll be a mix. A lot of location sets and some green scene. There's a lot of different places in Texas I have in mind, and we have a great rebate thing there now, only 60% has to be shot in Texas. We're scouting for locations now. You can find some alien landscapes in Texas for sure. And with the right augmentation, you can make anywhere look like anywhere now.”

Thanks to Darkoo for the news.

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I don't mind the low budget. it means they will have to think with the effects and such. Aslong as the gore is as good as the first 2 movies and not cgi bull shit il be happy.



I hope it will turn out good.


sounds awesome so far i just hope it doesn't suck like   AVP R    :-\  



I for one am so glad its taking place off Earth. Theres plenty of oppotunity for a good film, and while Fox has a reputation for letting people down, i dont think anyone should judge before it comes out.  Im hoping Rodriguez tries something creative and not a simple 'hunt and kill' plot. Would like to see some twists!



Sounds fun. No Earth! WOOT!



Still hate the idea of it on the Predator Planet.



This movie has gone to hell.


Many of you seem to be missing the point: It's now confirmed that it's the same story as the original screenplay we know about - and all involved are happy and enthusiastic about it being so.  This is a severe disappointment.



@Xenomorphine: yeah I agree, the more I hear about this the more disappointed I become.  Predator wasnt about the big explosions or the amount of gore, it was about a character driven, badassery suspense of being hunted by an extra terrestrial.  This movie had better deliver the goods with all its hype as all the fans the world over are sick and tired of the crap we've had from the last 5 years.



Why is it so hard to understand that the Predator is not a hive creature? Can't turn the Predator into 'Aliens'.



God movie makers are such f**king morons now. What the hell happened to the ones who actually have a freakin brain?

Bio Mech Hunter

@Predboy: I think Fox ate their brains. lol Seriously though, I agree. I'm getting more and more concerned over this.   :(   Fox and their uncanny nack for destroying their fanbase...   >:(  



Alien landscapes in Texas? Oh my.


Wow, I live in Texas, this could be interesting. Why cant they just film it in New Zealand like every other movie? Just kidding. But seriously, Texas terrain is boring.

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