Robert Rodriguez Interviews

Started by Darkness, Jul 31, 2009, 01:25:13 PM

Robert Rodriguez Interviews (Read 12,254 times)



Who ever they get for the lead human role, they haft to have a super fit or super human presence or physicality to be able to fight or survive the Predators. Arnold had that physical quality and his character Dutch had a strong fighter and survivor mentality.



(no coment)


i have a bad feeling about this movie being made. i just wished that fox didnt get another no talent asshole to direct the predator franschise it was already ruined by the dickhead paul "asshole" anderson and the pricks the strause brothers for doing the avp movies. i think fox should get John McTiernan back to direct Predator 3 or even David Fincher or someone who has more talent than robert rodriguez.



I think RR has a lot of talent  But after reading that script i believe he is absolutely the wrong man for the job. He has no business working with a character that has a honorable warrior code that doesnt like to be seen a whole lot. Predator is not like the Alien species in any way shape or form, so why try and copy their movie chemistry. Robert go back to writing stories about sick humans with no honor, hott chicks that unrealistickly shoot guns accurately, kids with james bond gadgets,zombies and criminals and things of that nature. Not a sci-fi alien warrior.

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