Robert Rodriguez Interviews

Started by Darkness, Jul 31, 2009, 01:25:13 PM

Robert Rodriguez Interviews (Read 12,135 times)



There’s a couple of new Robert Rodriguez interviews. The first can be found on Cinematical and the other on MTV Movies Blog. There’s not really anything new. In the latter one, he says the story will be driven by an ensemble cast and also hints at Arnie having a role.

“Rodriguez confirmed that the story will be driven by an ensemble cast and won't take place on Earth. And he's also hoping his version will wash away the taint of the "Aliens vs. Predator" spin-offs. "Maybe people will forget all the bad sequels and only think this one and the original exist," he laughed. The 1987 original, of course, featured the machine gun stylings of the current Governor of California. If McG could find a way to weave Arnold into May's "Terminator Salvation," could Rodriguez pull off the same feat for "Predators"? "I don't know," he said. "That would be really great. We've talked about hopefully seeing if he could be involved if we see there's a place in the script."

Thanks to Darkoo for the news.

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the Dude

the Dude

wash away the taint wtf is he talking about there's no taint the alien and predator were meant to be together. this is already a bad sine    :-[  javascript:insertext('  :-[  ','short')



AvP movies wasn't so good as was expected. But they weren't complete failures in my opinion. But it's good to hear that things are moving with this movie. ^^

Mr. Domino

Mr. Domino

Arnold needs to have a small role in this, just to bring some closure to the Dutch character (something even the comics never really did). A big role is out of the question, because he's simply too old, but I'd love to see him in the film in some capacity.



great news.......



Twentieth Century Fox has said that this film is not a sequel, not a remake, but a reboot/retcon. The latter being implied by Rodriguez saying that it is a retcon. The evidence was given out by him, and he smiles about it.   “Maybe people will forget all the bad sequels and only think this one and the original exist,” he laughed.  He has said that, right here in the MTV Blog Interview, while it's not necessarily in the video, it is in the written portion of the interview:



(Continued)  He's being very subtle about it, but never the less it's right there. He's doing what Bryan Singer did for the Superman films but for Predator by ignoring/retconning Predator 2 and he's even outright said that his film was a direct sequel to the original, thereby ignoring P2 and retconning it. Rodriguez is very smart, and I have to give him credit for playing it smart, but we're not stupid either... No sir. Definately not stupid.   He's trying to say that his film is a sequel to the original, and for those who aren't familiar with the cotinuity or franchise, will mistake this film as being Predator 3. And thats what Rodriguez and Twentieth Century Fox WANTS. However, there are NUMEROUS contradictions in Rodriguez's concepts which conflicts with Predator 2 and he's subtley said he's wanting to retcon it...   I hope others than myself see this.

Pvt. Hicks

Pvt. Hicks

who cares, its only predator 2.



Pvt. Hicks, do you enjoy being an elitist or are you just natrually snarky?  Predator 2 had a good story, more human characters which were relatable, unlike the supersoldier portrayal which Ah-nold provided in the original, and it expanded the creature more so by giving it a warrior's code and a bizarre sense of morals.   Rodriguez's PREDATORS says otherwise.

pvt. hicks

pvt. hicks

But there's nothing you can do about it. Unless you write a letter, which is recommended. Speaking of, did you send that f**king thing yet? Its seriously taking you forever. Just hurry up and write it.



I already sent the damn thing yesterday morning.



Quite glad to hear that it's not going to take place on Earth. We'll finally get to see the Predators in a new environment.   X   8)  



i want some interview with Antal as well............



Why no love for Predator 2, Predator is a classic and masterpiece and if Predators is as good and entertaining as Predator 2 then I will be happy.    ;D  

The One and Only

P2 gets way too much bashing. In my time on the net I've seen quite a few comments from fans that find themselves watching the second entry more than the original. While it might have a flaw here and there, it's still one of favorite flicks out there.

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