It's been said already, but I'll say it again- very glad this is a sequel. I'm going to be cautious on my optimism though, commandos fighting Predators sounds like Predator 1, only with more than one Predator. Hoping the story has a lot more depth to it than that. There's so much you could do with this creature, since Predator 2 revealed that the Predators have hunted man throughout history. One thing I loved about the Predator comics was how the writers took advantage of that concept and placed Predators throughout historical timelines rather than making every story modern day. The setting will be key to this flick. I just hope it's a different one than what we've seen so far. I wouldn't even mind an arctic setting again for Predators if they wore special protective armor to keep the heat out- as long as it makes sense. I mean, c'mon now. Predator 2 made it even more obvious that the creature hates the cold with the whole scene where the special team attempts to freeze it. After all, the Pred was was forced to go to the meat storage facility for food otherwise it wouldn't be caught dead in an icebox.. the antarctica setting and how it was handled in AVP was really misguided. Hopefully, Litvak will take that into consideration and pen a really creative story. We're counting on you, Mr. Litvak! Do the series proud!