The reason why I say it's going to suck is the fact that I strongly have a feeling that Predator 3/Predators will ignore the mythos which has been established in Predator, Predator 2, AvP, AvP-R, Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, and Ressurrection. The AvP films have established that the concepts from the novels and comics by Steve Perry are indeed canon now, the blooding ritual, the tech, the Predator culture, etc... while connecting the Alien and Predator films as one single, unified, universe. So unless Fox says that the Alien, Predator and AvP films are two distinct, seperate realities, we have to assume that the Alien and Predator and AvP franchises are one universe. If Predator 3/PREDATORS retcons anything or contradicts the previous materials, then it just goes to show that Fox truly disrespects the fanbase.