Predators Movie Gets Writer

Started by Darkness, May 05, 2009, 07:12:44 PM

Predators Movie Gets Writer (Read 20,474 times)



The writer of the new Predators movie has been found according to Bloody-Disgusting. Alex Litvak is writing a new draft of Predators. He has no credits to his name (check out his IMDB page) but Litvak co-wrote the spec script MEDIEVAL which McG is rumoured to direct.

“Bloody-Disgusting got the scoop that Alex Litvak is currently penning the new draft of Predators that’s to be produced by Robert Rodriguez’s Troublemaker Studios for 20th Century Fox. Litvak recently wrote Medieval for New Regency. The reboot to the classic 80’s action/horror flick Predator is being penned as a “sequel” and will follow a team of commandoes who face down a mysterious race of vicious monsters. The project is on fast-track for a July 9, 2010 release. No word yet on who will be directing as Rodriguez is now said to not be getting behind the camera.”

The other interesting news is that the new Predators movie is being written as a ‘sequel’ which means it won’t disregard everything that has happened in Predator 1 and 2. Thanks to Invisible Darkness and Pvt. Hicks for the news.

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Awesome. Can't wait now that it is a sequel    8)  



Thank god it's not a reboot. I would rather have a sequel.   :)  



This movie is gonna suck. I have a bad feeling it's going to suck...

Its Game Time

Its Game Time

Unfortunately, i may have to agree with RakaiThwei.......



I think we should wait til a director is out and the script is written^^  But at the moment i am happy that it is not a reboot...



The reason why I say it's going to suck is the fact that I strongly have a feeling that Predator 3/Predators will ignore the mythos which has been established in Predator, Predator 2, AvP, AvP-R, Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, and Ressurrection.   The AvP films have established that the concepts from the novels and comics by Steve Perry are indeed canon now, the blooding ritual, the tech, the Predator culture, etc... while connecting the Alien and Predator films as one single, unified, universe.   So unless Fox says that the Alien, Predator and AvP films are two distinct, seperate realities, we have to assume that the Alien and Predator and AvP franchises are one universe.   If Predator 3/PREDATORS retcons anything or contradicts the previous materials, then it just goes to show that Fox truly disrespects the fanbase.



Agreed with Simbaca



I'm a happy man.



They\'re both supposedly separate franchises. I don\'t mind at all if they completely ignore the comic elements introduced in the AvP movies.



Darkness,   What source says that the AvP and Alien and Predator films are two seperate universes?



You really think the AvP movies are canon? f**k that shit mate, just stick with the tried and true formula that was the original movies prior to 2004 and we have a winner on our hands.  A toddler could write an AvP 3 script and people would still flock to see it...despite its lack of quality



It\'s down to the individual really of what they consider canon and what isn\'t. I know a lot of people would rather think of AvP as a completely separate franchise, not least because of the damage it did to the Predator series but also to the Alien series.



Darkness has a point.  Some people might consider the comics of AvP as canon and disregard the movies, some might consider both as canon, and others still might just sit on the fence.

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