Rodriguez Talks Predators

Started by Darkness, May 07, 2009, 07:17:36 PM

Rodriguez Talks Predators (Read 14,164 times)



non-sequel.... f**k you



The more I hear on this, the more I believe this movie will suck.



I agree.  Leave these movies alone.  They belong to stan winston and peter hall.  ADI's predators look like villains from ninja turtles and the white actor that plays predator sucks major ballz.   It just better be a dark ass movie (not literally like avp:r where you cant see anything) like dark knight.



So it is essentially a remake "using the character everybody loves".... such bull shit.



It's a sequel. It was always going to be a sequel. It's not like they can really do anything which would make you go, "Oh, that means X, Y, Z never happened," because the other two films had almost completely unrelated events, anyway. The second creatures even looked completely different and had natural vision which looked different, although the fan base has come up with a variety of possible explanations for those.  Unless they give the things four arms or something, it's doubtful they'll contradict anything in particular.



Of course this movie will suck.  Hey FOX!!  Sell the rights to some REAL filmmakers who will actually care about the quality of the movie!!  It can't just be about making money!!!  It has to be about the movie!!  When will you figure that out!!!     >:(  



Ok....Bob look like much worry about rebooting the franchise than building a movie... Same as first movie except characters gonna have cel phones added!? All it need is a good script!



@Xenomorphine: I agree completely, in the context of the Predator franchise there's not much difference between a sequel and a reboot. Unless they're talking about going back and redesigning the Predator in a fundamental way (I desperately hope not) a reboot would not be dissimilar to a sequel. Predator 1 and 2 had minimal connection and I would rather that they just leave those stories alone.  More to the point, I'd rather they didn't make this movie at all considering Fox's track record. A small part of me, that last glimmer hope wants to see more but I think we all know this can't end well.



The end of Predator 2.  Danny Glover said that they'll be back.........  Anyways, regardless if its a sequel or not.  I love the ideas so far of bringing it back and away from AVP.  Starting fresh.  Predator is a timeless creature.  Has killed in all time periods and has unknown technology.  Bring this movie back to the basics of the first and the second half of no 2 and you've got a stud!!  Love it!!!



'Back to the roots'...right, never heard that crap before.   ::)  



It's funny how so many of you are reading, that it will be a remake, when he really is saying it won't...  I read the script that leaked somewhere. And it could be made into something really nice. Although it doesn't need Dutch to be in it... I think that'd go to far into a Ripley/Aliens relation.



What worries me the most is each article seems to be saying something different about what this film actually is. If they're not even sure what direction needs to be taken, that's a seriously bad sign...  If they do bring back Dutch or Danny Glover's character and replace them with different actors, there is no way this film can be good. If they have to use old characters, I only want to see them played by their original actors. Period.  "I've got a bad feeling about this drop."    :(  



Paul, i am glad that you agree with me to. Thats i want too.



If it's a "reboot" or a "re imagining", I assume they'll be switching things up a little, altering the pred design and technology.



If you sit anyone down and have them watch the original Predator, I doubt they'll say, "Oh, this movie is so old and lame!" It's a classic, it's not dated, and it doesn't need a reboot or to "fit the times" when it's timeless.

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