Rodriguez Talks Predators

Started by Darkness, May 07, 2009, 07:17:36 PM

Rodriguez Talks Predators (Read 14,162 times)



There’s another short interview with Robert Rodriguez on IGN FilmForce. It doesn’t really contain anything new; Rodriguez said he will be involved in a producing capacity only and he doesn’t know whether or not the movie will follow his script or keep the Predators title.

“We’re hiring new writers and a director and I’m going to produce it over at Troublemaker with Fox to try and reboot the series in a really great way,” Rodriguez told IGN. “So I’m not sure if we’re going to follow the old script or keep that title. At this point, it’s still early on.” The multi-hyphenated filmmaker also revealed that the non-sequel will go back to the franchise’s origins and will have little to do with the Alien vs. Predator films of the last few years.

“This is something else,” he said. “This is more like the first movie, but in a new way. Just rebooting the series in a whole new way. Not a remake, but more like what they did with the Batman series. They just started over. You know? Let’s just start over using a different approach to it. We’ll take the character everybody loves, but let’s rethink it and make it for the time. Because the first one was made 20-plus years ago. So you want to do something more updated.”

On the plus side, the movie will be going back to its origins and have little in common with the AvP movies. Thanks to Darkoo for the news.

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  8)   I seriously am looking forward to this.



Sounds like they are already making excuses for doing things that the fans might not approve of. I like all the Predator movies and would like to see an epic sequel. But, Fox never delivers anything epic.



I agree with Purebreedalien    8)  



i have long as they dont change the predators image



They can call it whatever they want: reboot, reinvention, reimagining, retooling, whatever.  It's a f*ckin remake.  That's what it all comes down to.



we'll see how it's gonna go. I hope it wont suck.

The Wolf

The Wolf

I really liked the sequel idea. I think their idea is fine just let it be a sequel though, damn. Its something simple that will make a lot of people happy.



I have yet to really see the difference between "remake" and "reboot"....  It's the same difference to me...  I won't be mad until they try to give Alien a "reboot" or "remake" or whatever the hell they want to call it.



There's a big difference between a remake and a reboot. He's not trying to remake Predator, he's rebooting the franchise with a new story.



So it's not a sequel now, erggh. Well it could be worse.

Rudy M Alapag Jr

Rudy M Alapag Jr

i'm looking forward to this one, hoping it will take place on the Preds homeworld instead of our homeworld. it will be crawling with Predators, and can't think of any..where else. Just a suggestion or option.Just my saying. anyways, it would be a sequel taking place on the hunters planet. Don't we think its the Preds turn of having a war in their home?against their enemies like the humans. it's always Preds on our planet: "EARTH."

Commander Griker

Commander Griker

Troublemakers studios made spykids    :'(  



To reboot is to start over again, to remake is to film again so using those definitions one can easily confuse the two.  Casino Royale: a great reboot to the 007 franchise.  Texas Chainsaw Massacre: made in '74, remade in '03 and prequelized in '06.  See the differences?   The single biggest mistake is the idea: its too easy to remake and make an assured amount of cash than it is to gamble and reboot and make an unknown amount of money.  The culmination of exceptional writers, directors, producers etc has the end result of a Casino Royale or The Dark Knight.  If you can get people with a vision and strive for that vision to be on film, guaranteed to be a sure fire hit.



B/c I have so much respect to the first two film's greatness, and Stan Winston and Kevin Peter Hall- f**k this idea.

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