Predators Script Article

Started by Corporal Hicks, May 09, 2009, 10:37:43 PM

Predators Script Article (Read 29,670 times)



I don't know, I just keep seeing 300 but with predators in my head when i try to put an image to the script. I'd take those kind of effects any day, 300 had allot of eye candy, characters were not too bad either.

I think anyone that thinks this is going to be even remotely like Pred 1 and 2 should probably just bury their head in the sand and pretend it's not happening.

Friendly Wise

Johnny Handsome

Johnny Handsome

QuoteI don't know, I just keep seeing 300 but with predators in my head when i try to put an image to the script. I'd take those kind of effects any day, 300 had allot of eye candy, characters were not too bad either.
And you call yourself a Predator fan? What about remaking Alien with the spirit of Commando while were at it, it has a lot of shitz and bangz in it so it cant be that bad! Changing it completely in style and tone with CG all over the place, that's every fan's dream right? No substance just shit blowing up with digital awesomeness everywhere. We got that twice, its called AvP, awesome weren't they?

For weeks you're coming up with the most horrendous ideas, you call yourself a fan, yet you want it to be totally different then Predator and Predator 2. "Hey those movies are awesome but if Predators is anything like the movies i love I'm not going to see this!"
What the f**k is it about that attitude?
QuoteI think anyone that thinks this is going to be even remotely like Pred 1 and 2 should probably just bury their head in the sand and pretend it's not happening.
And anyone who wishes for a 300 with Predators in it should probably go to the doctor to determine their heads.



QuoteNo substance just shit blowing up with digital awesomeness everywhere.

You speak as if the two are mutually exclusive.

Pvt. Hicks

Pvt. Hicks

Quote from: SM on May 27, 2009, 04:47:32 AM
QuoteNo substance just shit blowing up with digital awesomeness everywhere.

You speak as if the two are mutually exclusive.

He's saying that's what the AvP movies are. And he's right. Well, at least AvP. AvP:R couldn't even afford f*cking lights, let alone "digital awesomeness" so it took the CGI slasher-route.



I can't think of any "awesomeness" in AvP; digital or otherwise.  However, just because something uses a lot of digital technology doesn't automatically mean it lacks substance.

Rodriguez could shoot this all in front of green screens and still end up with a good film - but only if the script is there to begin with.

Essentially, my point is you can have substance with CGI.

Johnny Handsome

Johnny Handsome

Of course you can have substance with CG, but it still is the wrong approach for this kind of movie.
I love Sin City, great movie with tons of digital stuff in it, but that doesn't mean it automatically applies to this franchise, same with 300.

Also i love movies with a sort of black humor to it, didn't work so well for the alien franchise did it?

Same here.



It all boils down to the look.  If they can make the CG look real enough - then there's no problem.  I can't imagine they'd go for a hyperstylised look a la Sin City or 300.  Personally I thought the CG and miniatures work for the King Kong 'sets' was brilliant.  If they got a similar look for a Predator flick it could work.

But then if they didn't get it right it'd be complete shite.



Quote from: SM on May 27, 2009, 05:03:25 AM
I can't think of any "awesomeness" in AvP; digital or otherwise.

Ummz, did you miss the part where the Scar Predator flew through the air, spinning, and stabbed the Queen in the head?

Awesome, right?




the best scene had to be scar predator and girl running from the explosion together with scar's dreads flailing in the wind

Zodchiy Teney

Zodchiy Teney

when this film be done?



Quote from: magical_boy on May 27, 2009, 11:44:51 AM
the best scene had to be scar predator and girl running from the explosion together with scar's dreads flailing in the wind

most gay scene in history of both franchise...

Quote from: Zodchiy Teney on May 27, 2009, 12:31:58 PM
when this film be done?

Hasn´t even started shooting....please hold the line.....



Quote from: Johnny Handsome on May 27, 2009, 04:27:17 AM
QuoteI don't know, I just keep seeing 300 but with predators in my head when i try to put an image to the script. I'd take those kind of effects any day, 300 had allot of eye candy, characters were not too bad either.
And you call yourself a Predator fan? What about remaking Alien with the spirit of Commando while were at it, it has a lot of shitz and bangz in it so it cant be that bad! Changing it completely in style and tone with CG all over the place, that's every fan's dream right? No substance just shit blowing up with digital awesomeness everywhere. We got that twice, its called AvP, awesome weren't they?

For weeks you're coming up with the most horrendous ideas, you call yourself a fan, yet you want it to be totally different then Predator and Predator 2. "Hey those movies are awesome but if Predators is anything like the movies i love I'm not going to see this!"
What the f**k is it about that attitude?
QuoteI think anyone that thinks this is going to be even remotely like Pred 1 and 2 should probably just bury their head in the sand and pretend it's not happening.
And anyone who wishes for a 300 with Predators in it should probably go to the doctor to determine their heads.

I find it funny how you continue to launch your one man tirade (mostly against me) against anything even remotly different from the holy grail that is predator, I picture you watching blood sport with your van dam t-shirt on whilst listening to "girls just want to have fun" by cyndi lauper....although you sound too young and probably have no idea what i'm talking about.

Johnny mate, I am the biggest pred fan, I have all the comics collected over many years (not just avp, predator also) the movies on all formats, a full scale predator helmet from predator 2 (not cheap!) along with general tid bits including the creature (books, toys etc etc).

The difference between me and you is....Your hanging on to that invisable thread of hope that this will be , a predator stalking a skilled human, on an earth like scenario, much like the previous movies but a bit fresher.

where as i have accepted (through the evidence we've been given), that this movie is going to be something far far away from what we know, and i am trying to discuss and find the best angles/outcome for what is probably going to be the biggest raping pile of shit movie in the history of sequels.  

So please dont get me confused with some spotty 17 year old that wants too see gerard butler take on a Rhino predator... ::)





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